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ChangeLog 2.3.0

杨奕 edited this page Mar 28, 2018 · 2 revisions


  • Table
    • 现在 TableColumn 的 formatter 属性可以是动态的,#10184(by @elfman)
    • 新增 select-on-indeterminate 属性,#9924(by @syn-zeta)
  • Menu
    • 新增 collapse-transition 属性,#8809(by @limichange)
  • Input
    • 新增 select 方法,#10229
    • 新增 blur 方法,#10356
  • ColorPicker
    • 新增 predefine 属性,#10170(by @elfman)
  • Tree
    • 新增 draggableallow-dropallow-drag 属性,以及 node-drag-startnode-drag-enternode-drag-leavenode-drag-overnode-drag-endnode-drop 事件,#9251 #10372(by @elfman)
  • Form
    • validate 方法新增第二个参数,包含未通过本次校验的表单项信息,#10279
    • 新增 validate 事件,#10351
  • Progress
    • 新增 color 属性,#10352(by @YunYouJun)
  • Button
    • 新增 circle 属性,#10359(by @YunYouJun)


  • Form
    • 修复嵌套复合型 Input 时,FormItem 标签与输入框未对齐的问题,#10189
  • Menu
    • 现在折叠状态的菜单项仅在传入 title slot 时才显示 Tooltip,#10193(by @PanJiaChen)
  • Pagination
    • 修复 current-change 在未发生用户交互时错误触发的问题,#10247
  • DatePicker
    • 现在时间日期选择器下拉面板中的值能够正确地从 format 属性中获取对应格式了,#10174(by @remizovvv)
  • Upload
    • 现在拖拽上传会拦截不在 accept 属性范围内的文件,#10278

New features

  • Table
    • Now formatter of TableColumn can be dynamically updated, #10184 (by @elfman)
    • Added select-on-indeterminate attribute, #9924 (by @syn-zeta)
  • Menu
    • Added collapse-transition attribute, #8809 (by @limichange)
  • Input
    • Added select method, #10229
    • Added blur method, #10356
  • ColorPicker
    • Added predefine attribute, #10170 (by @elfman)
  • Tree
    • Added draggable, allow-drop and allow-drag attributes, and node-drag-start, node-drag-enter, node-drag-leave, node-drag-over, node-drag-end and node-drop events, #9251 #10372 (by @elfman)
  • Form
    • validate method now has a second parameter, containing information of form items that failed the validation, #10279
    • Added validate event, #10351
  • Progress
    • Added color attribute, #10352 (by @YunYouJun)
  • Button
    • Added circle attribute, #10359 (by @YunYouJun)

Bug fixes

  • Form
    • Fixed label of FormItem not align with mixed Input, #10189
  • Menu
    • Now collapsed Menu will only show the Tooltip when the title slot of MenuItem is set, #10193 (by @PanJiaChen)
  • Pagination
    • Fixed current-change event wrongly triggering without user interaction, #10247
  • DatePicker
    • Now the date and time value in the dropdown panel are correctly formatted based on the format attribute, #10174(by @remizovvv)
  • Upload
    • Fixed accept attribute not working when drag is true, #10278
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