R package for GEOtop simulation analysis including functionality for
- creating GEOtop input maps for a specific basin (using SAGA GIS library - RSAGA)
- read single / multiple point output from GEOtop simulation
- GEOtop output map animation (using ImageMagick)
- diagnostic plots on hydrological budget in GEOtop 3d simulation
- visualisation of Soil Water Retention Curve (van Genuchten model)
This package is based on the R package geotopbricks
First install the package with:
$ R
> install.packages("devtools")
> library(devtools)
> install_github("EURAC-Ecohydro/AnalyseGEOtop")
and then import the library with:
> library(AnalyseGeotop)
The present folders are:
- data: observations in
format; - example: 1D analysis (Monte CL???)
- inst: scripts to plot point and basin files
- man: function description automatically generated by R
- R: functions
- validation_data: data in
├── AnalyseGEOtop.Rproj
├── data
│ ├── datalist
│ ├── Kaltern_SoilWatRet.RData
│ ├── lookup_tbl_observation.RData
│ ├── observations_B2.RData
│ ├── observations_Kaltern.RData
│ ├── observed_B2_d.csv
│ ├── observed_B2_h.csv
│ ├── SWCinfo.RData
│ ├── tbl_observations
│ └── validation.RData
├── example
│ └── run_1d_Monte_CL.R
├── examples.R
├── inst
│ ├── GEOtop_Plot_1D
│ │ ├── Compare_Inputs.R
│ │ ├── GEOtop_Plot_Point_Johannes.R
│ │ └── GEOtop_Plot_Point.R
│ ├── GEOtop_Plot_3D
│ │ ├── GEOtop_Plot_Basin_Johannes.R
│ │ └── GEOtop_Plot_Basin.R
│ └── Rmd
│ ├── Analyse_GEOtop_point_simulation.Rmd
│ ├── Analyse_Multi_GEOtop_point_simulation.Rmd
│ ├── Verificate_GEOtop_point_simulation.md
│ └── Verificate_GEOtop_point_simulation.Rmd
├── man
│ ├── GEOtop_animateMAPS.Rd
│ ├── GEOtop_CheckHydroBudget.Rd
│ ├── GEOtop_CreateInptsMAPS.Rd
│ ├── GEOtop_EfluxOcanopy.Rd
│ ├── GEOtop_multiplePointPlot_Montecini.Rd
│ ├── GEOtop_ReadMultiPoint.Rd
│ ├── GEOtop_ReadPlotRst.Rd
│ ├── GEOtop_ReadPointData_Generalized.Rd
│ ├── GEOtop_ReadPointVar.Rd
│ ├── GEOtop_ReadValidationData.Rd
│ ├── GEOtop_VisSoilWaterRet_gg.Rd
│ └── GEOtop_VisSoilWaterRet.Rd
├── R
│ ├── GEOtop_AnimateMaps.R
│ ├── GEOtop_CheckHydroBudget.R
│ ├── GEOtop_CreateInptsMAPS.R
│ ├── GEOtop_EfluxOcanopy.R
│ ├── GEOtop_multiplePointPlot_Montecini.R
│ ├── Geotop_Plot_Loop.R
│ ├── GEOtop_ReadMultiPoint.R
│ ├── GEOtop_ReadPlotRst.R
│ ├── GEOtop_ReadPointData_Generalized.R
│ ├── GEOtop_ReadPointData.R
│ ├── GEOtop_ReadPointVar.R
│ ├── GEOtop_readValidationData.R
│ ├── GEOtop_UpdateLookUpTbl.R
│ ├── Geotop_VisSoilWaterRet_gg.R
│ └── GEOtop_VisSoilWaterRet.R
├── README.md
└── validation_data
├── EnergyFluxesVinschgau_I_2011_05-2014_04.csv
├── ET_B2.csv
├── VG1_06-11.csv
└── VG2_06-11.csv
9 directories, 56 files