This is research work about Knapsack Problems (0-1 Knapsack Problem, Unbounded Knapsack Problem) using several algorithms
- app/ - is a folder containing libs of algorithms and a console application for creating reports
- results/ - is a folder containing reports as Excel spreadsheets with the results of experiments
- docs/ - is a folder containing the theory of research work
This application provides the user with several algorithms for solving the 0-1 knapsack problem and unbounded knapsack problem and 2 experiments for collecting information about algorithms
You can use the following algorithms from the list below in the form of api calls from ExactAlgorithms / GeneticAlgorithm lib
- Genetic algorithm with different combinations
- Exact algorithms:
2.1. Branch And Bound with DFS and BFS traversals
2.2. Dynamic Programming Algorithm with Direct(Table) and Recurrent approaches
2.3. Branch And Bound for UKP with U3 Total Upper Bound
2.4. Classical Dynamic Programming for UKP
2.4. Efficient Dynamic Programming algorithm for UKP with Threshold Dominance and Periodicity
In addition, you can use the CLI.exe console application to generate reports about the experiments listed below
- Excel Report with comparison Genetic Algorithm combinations in order to select the best (cp)
- Excel Report with measuring the performance and quality check of algorithms above (mp)
CLI.exe --report=mp --data_size=100 --task=ukp --runs=20 --instances=200
For more information, use:
CLI.exe --help