This repository contains all of my Arduino projects from our Mechatronics Fundamentals course.
This assignment assumes the completion of Projects 01 - 02 in the Arduino Projects book. Its purpose is to reinforce the concepts and language constructs discussed in those chapters.
When the first button (switch) is pressed, three red LEDs flash in a specific pattern while the green LED remains off. A second switch is pressed, which changes the red LEDs flashing sequence and illuminates the on-board LED for the duration of the switch. Finally, pressing both switches results in a different pattern on the flashing red LEDs.
Parts used:
- one green LED
- three red LEDs
- two pushbuttons
- two 10 kilohm resistor
- four 220 ohm
- jumper wires
This assignment assumes the completion of Projects 01 - 03 in the Arduino Projects book.
The primary goal of this project is to implement a function that measures the temperature of the room or the hands of the experimenter if she or he touches the temperature sensor and controls the LEDs' blink rate. Using the serial monitor, we can also obtain sensor status information, understand what is going on in your circuit, and code as it runs.
Parts used:
- one TMP36 temperature sensor
- four red LEDs
- one yellow LED
- five 220 ohm resistors
- one 10 kilohm resistor
- one pushbuttons
- jumper wires
This project is a counter that counts from 0 to 15 and displays the results in BINARY code. Each LED glows to indicate the place value, and the equivalent number in decimal can be found by adding all of the individual digits of the glowing LEDs.
To determine the values, we also consider the following components: RGB LED - to indicate the hexamedical or "16s" temperature sensor - to determine the room temperature and it affects the increment value for the counter01 (binary). switch/button - when pressed, on-board LED is turn on and overrides the increment value to 0
Using the serial monitor, we can obtain the information on temperature, increment value, binary and hexadecimal(16s) and understand what is going on in your circuit and code as it runs.
Parts required:
- Arduino UNO
- solderless breadboard half size
- four red LEDs
- one RGB LED
- one 10 kilohm resistor
- seven 220 ohm resistors
- one TMP36 temperature sensor
- one pushbutton
- jumper wires
This assignment assumes the completion of Projects 01 - 05 in the Arduino Projects book.
This project is quite similar to Lab 03, which involved manipulating the binary count rate with a potentiometer; A counter from 0 to 15 displays the results in BINARY code. Each LED glows to indicate the place value, and the equivalent decimal number can be found by adding all of the glowing LEDs' digits.
To determine the values, we also consider the following components: RGB LED - to indicate the hexamedical or "16s" potentiometer - it controls the increment value
Using the serial monitor, we can obtain the information on increment value, counter16 and counter01 and understand what is going on in your circuit and code as it runs.
Parts required:
- Arduino UNO
- solderless breadboard half size
- four red LEDs
- one RGB LED
- four 220 ohm resistors
- one Potentiometer
- one capacitor
- jumper wires