This is a wrapper CLI of kubeseal CLI, specifically the raw mode.
If you just need to encrypt your secret on RAW mode, this CLI will be the easy way.
- Go 1.16 +
- kubeseal CLI v0.17.0 or above to be installed on PATH
- sealed-secret controller v0.17.0 or above to be up & running on a k8s cluster & accessible, for example, by
- built it
make build
- use it
./seal-cli -s MyPassWord -h
is the base URL of your seale-secret controller
cluster wide - sealed secret can be used in any namespace
seal -s MyPassWord123 -h
namespace wide - sealed secret can be used only in a specific namespace
seal -s MyPassWord123 -h -n mynamespace
strict - sealed secret can be used only in a specific namespace & for specific secret resource (mysecret)
seal -s MyPassWord123 -h -n mynamespace -name mysecret
Dry run - preview the kubeseal command behind the scenes
# append it to any command, and it show the underline command instead of the real execution
seal [ ... ] -dry-run