Built by Malin Skill and Emma Engvall
We have built Wave Finder. A community site for people who surf (or would like to try) and get recommendations on where to do so. Our vision was to create a place for where people can get inspiration and the opportunity to inspire others. If a visitor choose to register and become a member they will be able to like posts, save their favourite tips and contribute by posting their own recommendations. They will also be able to edit/delete posts that they have created. If they chose not to register they will be able to read posts and articles.
The user can filter posts by creation date, most likes, location and surf level.
- Frontend in React
- Redux
- Navigation using React Router
- Styled Components
The site is connected to an external weather API so that the user can check the weather forecast for a destination of their choosing.
- Add connection to external map api
- Logged in user can add comments to other users' posts
- Reset password