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Software for particle physics to create nTuples from AOD files


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Brief Description

Software for nTuples production from MiniAOD files for ttbar+X differential cross section analysis. The master branch corresponds to the Run 2 analysis path. For the Run 1 analysis path, please refer to branch 'run1' as well as the relevant releases.

General Recipe

To setup the code:

git clone [email protected]:BristolTopGroup/NTupleProduction.git
cd NTupleProduction
source bin/
ntp setup

which should create the foldersexternal and workspace. For available commands and how to use them type ntp help.


To check if all is OK you can run


Geenrate the configs

python python/crab/


More information can be found at Bristol Ntuple Recipes twiki page, although it's outdated.


Please report any problems on our issues page.

Vagrant (work in progress)

Vagrant is used to "Create and configure lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments" and can be downloaded from

How to use the existing CMSSW box

In case you are happy with the existing CMSSW box (kreczko/cmssw), feel free to use it.

# First download it onto your machine
# then add it to your collection
vagrant box add --name kreczko/cmssw

Now you will be able to create as many instances of this box as you like by

# cd into your CMSSW project
vagrant init kreczko/cmssw
vagrant up
# log onto the machine
vagrant ssh
# and follow instructions under "Setting up CMSSW"

How to make a vagrant box for NTupleProduction (or any CMSSW project)

A list of general boxes can be found on .

# go into your project area
vagrant box add SL6
# cd into project directory
# get started with vagrant
vagrant init SL6
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
# you are now in the VM
# your code is now available under /vagrant
cd /vagrant
# install repositories
sudo cp vagrant/cvmfs.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/.
sudo wget -O /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CernVM
# install CVMFS and dependencies
sudo yum install cvmfs freetype freetype-devel -y
# configure CVMFS
sudo cp vagrant/default.local /etc/cvmfs/.
sudo cvmfs_config chksetup
# restart autofs service
sudo service autofs restart

Everything should be now ready to run CMSSW (easy, right?).

Setting up CMSSW

export VO_CMS_SW_DIR=/cvmfs/
# follow the instructions except for the NTupleTools git clone
# do not forget to
# scp -r soolin:/storage/.cmsgit-cache <your NTupleTools folder>
# and
export CMSSW_GIT_REFERENCE=/vagrant/.cmsgit-cache
# also, copy your private key over
# on your machine (for github)
cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa* <your nTuple folder>
# on vagrant VM
mv /vagrant/id_rsa* ~/.ssh/.
# next we need a CMSSW release
cd ~
cmsrel CMSSW_7_4_10_patch1

Because CMSSW does not like symlinks we have to exit the Vagrant box now and change the mount point. Edit the Vagrant file to adjust your path to your CMSSW area, i.e. config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/home/vagrant/CMSSW_7_0_9_patch2/src/NTupleProduction" and restart the Vagrant box (vagrant halt && vagrant up). Now ssh into the box again and go into the CMSSW src folder

cd /home/vagrant/CMSSW_7_4_10_patch1/src
scram b -j2

Hooray! You are compiling a CMSSW package on your machine! Once you are done with the machine you can exit (exit) and either destroy the machine or halt it

# to destroy
vagrant destroy
# to halt
vagrant halt

You can also package the box for others using

vagrant box package ....

And upload it to a suitable location.

HDFS on the Vagrant box

# connect to HDFS:
sudo yum install nfs-utils -y
sudo mkdir /hdfs
sudo mount -t nfs -o vers=3,proto=tcp,nolock /hdfs
# run tests

Vagrant troubleshooting

GuestAdditions versions on your host (XXX) and guest (YYY) do not match.

To solve this problem follow:


Software for particle physics to create nTuples from AOD files







No packages published


  • Python 64.9%
  • C++ 34.7%
  • Shell 0.4%