This script will sync users from Google Workspace Groups to Coder Groups. It does the following:
1. Fetchs all users from your Coder deployment
2. For each user
2a. Fetch the user's Coder groups
2b. Fetch the user's Google Workspace groups
2c. Creates any groups that do not exist in Coder yet
2d. Adds & removes users from Coder groups to match Google Workspace groups
- Groups are matched by name. Lowercased and spaces removed.
- coderGroupName = strings.Replace(lower(googleGroupName), " ", "")
3. Logs all changes made
This scripts only affects the default organization.
And example run of the script where the user alice
is moved from catlovers
. And the group does not yet exist.
2024/11/08 11:29:27 Changes made:
2024/11/08 11:29:27 Created 1 groups
2024/11/08 11:29:27 doglovers :: bbd439fb-c781-409e-8e82-9b334b2b2d83
2024/11/08 11:29:27 Changes to group memberships:
2024/11/08 11:29:27 Group doglovers: 1 added, 0 removed
2024/11/08 11:29:27 Added: [[email protected]]
2024/11/08 11:29:27 Removed: []
2024/11/08 11:29:27 Group catlovers: 0 added, 1 removed
2024/11/08 11:29:27 Added: []
2024/11/08 11:29:27 Removed: [[email protected]]
When no changes have occurred
2024/11/08 11:30:27 No changes to make, all 1 OIDC users in your Google domain are in the correct groups
Only the code in main.go
needs to be copied into a google cloud run function. All the logic is contained in gcsync
To control the code yourself, you can fork this repository and run this command to change the go.mod
to point to your new repo:
go mod edit -replace<YOUR_FORK>/google-workspace-sync@main
Resulting in this go.mod
replace =><YOUR_FORK>/google-workspace-sync main