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EnergySage Design System Monorepo


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EnergySage Design System

This is a monorepo containing the elements required for building experiences following the EnergySage Design System of es-ds for short.

Public Works

This repository es-ds is public and the contents are licensed under the MIT

For that reason discussion and documentation specific to EnergySage should probably be kept within private org channels.

EnergySage specific channels

For EnergySage specific resources & channels see the Quick Links section of the Design System confluence page

The Parts

The EnergySage Design System is composed of 2 core npm packages:

graph TB
    subgraph es-ds
        subgraph "@energysage"
    Z(vue-bootstrap) --> C


es-bs-base started as a fork bootstrap 4.

This package overrides the _variables.scss file in bootstrap to the ones use defaults required by the energysage design system.

There's additional variables and colors that diverge and extend from the core bootstrap framework.

Additionally the SASS has been refactored to use the modular system and dart-sass compiler.

es-vue-base has a peer-dependency of bootstrap-vue which is used for vue components. Associated styling is vendorized in es-bs-base and re-written using the SASS modular system.


es-vue-base contains vue components for use in nuxt projects. It has a dependency of bootstrap-vue as components extends or are composed of bootstrap components.

es-bs-base is a sibling dependencies and should provide the baseline CSS styling to vue rendered components.


This is our design-system documentation branch, and reference integration for the es-ds packages.


Setting up the repo

clone [email protected]:EnergySage/es-ds.git

When publishing changes you will commit to the origin branch of the es-ds repo. So your git set-up should look like this:

$ git remote -v
origin  [email protected]:EnergySage/es-ds.git (fetch)
origin  [email protected]:EnergySage/es-ds.git (push)

Installing Dependencies and Linking packages

  1. make install - installs all packages from npm
  2. make update-peer-deps - installs necessary peer deps for es-vue-base used in es-design-system
  3. make build-scss-pkg - build es-bs-base/dist locally; we do this first since es-vue-base imports it @import '~@energysage/es-bs-base/scss/includes'
  4. make symlink - symlink or bootstrap es-bs-base/dist
  5. make build-vue-pkg - build es-vue-base/dist locally
  6. make symlink - symlink or bootstrap es-bs-base/dist and es-vue-base/dist for use in es-design-system

Development Workflow

To develop with hot reloading for all packages you'll want to run make dev in the es-ds directory. This will build and package es-bs-base and es-vue-base and symlink them to es-design-system for use in the nuxt app. It will then start a dev instance for es-design-system that will be available at http://localhost:8500.

Hot reloading will take longer than a typical nuxt app, as it will need to rebuild the packages and re-link them. This is expected.

Faster Reloads Hack

In a terminal run:

find es-vue-base/src/ | entr -s 'npm --prefix es-vue-base run build'

(You may need to run brew install entr first)

In another terminal run:

(cd es-design-system && FAST_LOCAL=true npm run dev)

This will result in much faster reloads that skip rebuilding all of es-bs-base as well as skipping server-side rendering. But note this will also throw an error in webpack-dev server until es-vue-base finishes compiling, then it should recover.

You must also ensure things work server-side before committing your changes.

Once we upgrade to Lerna 6, this should all be much faster & smoother via native Workspace watching

Vue Component Process

Unit Tests

When adding vue components to es-vue-base, it is expected that you also write unit-tests.

At a minimum it's recommended you create a snapshot test to catch any potential regressions in rendered output. Depending on complexity further tests may be required.

Tests can be run via make test, but this will run tests for all packages in the repo. For faster feedback, you can cd es-vue-base and run npm run test to only run tests for the es-vue-base package.

Building & Re-linking

Once tests are passing, you'll need to rebuild the es-vue-base package. This can be done via npm run build.

Next you'll want to move back to the root of the monorepo, and run make symlink. This will ensure the new package is sym-linked to the other projects in the monorepo.

Documenting change

Once your changes have been made, you'll want to ensure they're documented somewhere in es-design-system. If the change is a new component, it's expected you'll create a new page to display the component.

Note This step also functions as a form of integration testing as it will validate the component will import and render on a nuxt page.

Updating the changelog

In your PR, make sure to include a section in the changelog documenting your change. Following keep a changelog conventions this will look similar to the following:

## [Unreleased]

### Added

- Thing one

### Changed

- Thing two

This will make it easier to ensure all changes merged into main are captured in the changelog when publishing a new release.

Publishing and Versioning

For simplicity of deployment, versioning of packages are fixed and updated together.

Publishing a new version of a package

Assuming changes are approved, the process of publishing a new version is...

  1. Ensure your local environment is setup and you are on the main branch
  2. npm login - Logs you into the npm.js registry. You'll need access to our es-ds package there in order for things to work.
  3. make install && make symlink - Install the new published versions locally and symlink them
  4. make build - Build all packages to */dist folders locally
  5. make lint && make test - Run tests and linting to ensure they pass
  6. make publish - Publish updated packages to
  7. Update with our newly published changes
  8. make install && make symlink - Install the new published versions locally and symlink them
  9. git commit -m "docs: :memo: add version X.X.X to the changelog" && git push - Commit and push the changelog and package-lock.json updates
  10. For updating the design-system website see Deploy Design System

Running make publish will trigger the following prompt:

lerna info Looking for changed packages since v0.1.9
? Select a new version (currently 0.1.9)
❯ Patch (0.1.10)
  Minor (0.2.0)
  Major (1.0.0)
  Prepatch (0.1.10-alpha.0)
  Preminor (0.2.0-alpha.0)
  Premajor (1.0.0-alpha.0)
  Custom Prerelease
  Custom Version

You'll note the lerna script will walk you through versioning, then push your changes, and tag the release in git.

This project follows semantic versioning. Please make sure your change in version reflects the semantics defined via semver. At a high level the guidelines are:

  1. MAJOR version changes introduce incompatible API changes. API changes could mean:
    • removal of core-components used in other verticals
    • changing "props" of core-components causing breaking changes in other verticals
  2. MINOR version changes add functionality in a backwards compatible manner. This could mean:
    • changing the hex value represented by the variable $white in es-bs-base
    • adding an additional "prop" to a core-component, but otherwise not chancing the default behavior
  3. PATCH version changes are backwards compatible bug-fixes and should have no impact on functionality aside from fixing a bug