A numerical code to solve flow and transport in fractured porous media by the embedded discrete fracture method
LearnEDFM is a MATLAB program solving flow and transport in fractured porous media using the embedded discrete fracture method. It is targeted at researchers in the field of subsurface simulations who want to understand and apply the embedded discrete fracture model.
Let's say you've unpacked the .tar.gz file into a directory /path/to/LearnEDFM. Then you can run and test the program by opening matlab and running:
>> cd /path/to/LearnEDFM
>> cd examples/
>> ex1
If this gives you an error message try to change back to the main directory and execute the example again.
>> cd ..
>> ex1
To build from the repository, execute the following commands first:
$ git clone https://github.com/dwarftools/LearnEDFM
Then start MATLAB and continue as before.
Detailed instructions can be found in the user manual.
We wan't to provide you with the freedom to use and modify the code, but care about sharing with the community. Therefore the LearnEDFM source code is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v3. The GNU GPL v3 is a copyleft license that requires anyone who distributes the source code or a derivative work to make the source available under the same terms. Please see the file ./LICENSE for details
Please see the user manual or ask questions directly to the author!