A .NET client for CycleTLS.
Supports .NET 8.0 (Build available for other .Net versions)
- In Visual Studio, right-click on your project's Solution Explorer and select 'Manage NuGet Packages'.
- Go to the 'Browse' tab, search for
. - Click 'Install' for each package.
- Accept the prompts to complete installation.
Or, via Package Manager Console:
Install-Package CycleTLS
- Download the latest release of CycleTLS.NET's and import it into your project.
- Install CycleTLS using NPM:
- Open a terminal/command prompt.
- Navigate to your project directory (
cd your_project_path
). - Run
npm install cycletls
Locate the CycleTLS executable in the installation folder after installation.
using CycleTLS;
using CycleTLS.Interfaces;
using CycleTLS.Models;
ICycleServer server= new CycleServer(new()
Port= 9112,
Path= "D:\\Tools\\cycleTLS\\index.exe"
ICycleClient cycleClient = new CycleClient(new Uri($"ws://"));
var resGet = await cycleClient.SendAsync(new CycleRequestOptions()
Url= "https://httpbin.org/get"
You can use the client without the server. You need to start the CycleTLS process and set the port using the WS_PORT variable. After that, set the URL of CycleTLS in the client.
You need to import the "CycleTLS.RestSharp" namespace into your project.
RestClient restClient = new(new RestClientOptions()
BaseUrl = new Uri("https://example.org"),
restClient.AddDefaultHeader("ja3", "ja3 value"); // Set JA3 all requests
RestRequest request = new RestRequest()
Method= Method.GET,
request.AddHeader("ja3", "ja3 value"); // Set JA3 for specific request
/* You can use all features of RestRequest object | For more information look examples */
var response= await restClient.ExecuteCycleAsync(request, cycleClient);
You need to import the "CycleTLS.HttpClient" namespace into your project.
var handler = new CycleHandler(new CycleHandlerOptions()
CycleClient = cycleClient
var httpClient = new HttpClient(handler)
BaseAddress = new Uri("http://example.com"),
DefaultRequestHeaders =
{ "JA3", "-" },
{ "User-Agent", "-" }
/* You can use all features of RestRequest object | For more information look examples */
var response = await httpClient.GetAsync("/");
var httpHandler = new CycleHandler(new CycleHandlerOptions()
CycleClient = cycleClient
RestClient restClient = new(httpHandler, configureRestClient: (x) =>
x.BaseUrl = new Uri("https://example.org");
x.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/";
restClient.AddDefaultHeader("JA3", "772,4865-4866-4867-49195-49199-49196-49200-52393-52392-49171-49172-156-157-47-53,65037-65281-5-18-27-23-35-10-45-16-11-17513-51-13-0-43,25497-29-23-24,0");
// You can use native restClient methods like Get / GetAsync. Also can use post with form / json or file.
var resGet = await restClient.ExecuteAsync(new RestRequest()
Method = Method.Get,
/* You can use all features of RestRequest object | For more information look examples */
- CylceTLS