This is the official code for the 2019 EMNLP paper, Do NLP Models Know Numbers? Probing Numeracy in Embeddings . This repository contains the code for the synthetic tasks described in Section 3 of the paper.
This code is written in python using PyTorch and AllenNLP.
An easy way to install the code is to create a fresh anaconda environment:
conda create -n numeracy python=3.6
source activate numeracy
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now you should be ready to go!
The three tasks in the paper (list maximum, number decoding, and addition) are separated into three different files.
contains code for loading the embedding methods and creating the datasets.
See the scripts inside run_scripts/*
to recreate the experiments in Table 4 of the paper.
Note: I have heavily refactored the paper's original code and simplified things. This, alongside updates to the libraries, means the results aren't exactly the same as those reported in the paper. However, although the exact numbers differ, the trends closely follow those in the paper. Also, note that there is relatively high variance in the individual runs. In future research papers, I recommend that you report the mean/median result over multiple runs. Moreover, to be fair to the different embedding methods, I recommend lightly tuning the hyperparameters of the probing classifier.
Please consider citing our paper if you found this code or our work beneficial to your research.
Author = {Eric Wallace and Yizhong Wang and Sujian Li and Sameer Singh and Matt Gardner},
Booktitle = {Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
Year = {2019},
Title = {Do NLP Models Know Numbers? Probing Numeracy in Embeddings}}
For issues with code or suggested improvements, feel free to open an issue or a pull request.
To contact the authors, reach out to Eric Wallace ([email protected]) and Yizhong Wang ([email protected] ).