55 commits
to main
since this release
ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Qt 100.12 Samples Release Notes
New samples
- Set up location-driven geotriggers
- Browse OGC API feature service
- Sketch on map
- Use time slider to control time extent
- Query OGC API with CQL filters
- Display content of utility network container
- Update Perform valve isolation trace to use filter barriers
- Move samples from username/password (named user) login to API keys where named user workflow is not the point of the sample
- Added the BasemapGallery toolkit component to the Change basemap sample
- Updated Utility Network sample to use ServiceGeodatabases
- Samples' viewpoints can now be controlled with the keyboard
- Significantly overhauled the integrated windows authentication sample
- Show popup sample now returns multiple results
Bug fixes
- Qt display subtype feature layer, subtype feature layer would not display at minimum value in QML version
- Viewshed Camera sample screenshots were 1000x1000, and should be 500x500
- Qt: Display subtype feature layer sample, image in description needs to be updated & scale needs updating for C++
- Some samples were named differently between between C++ and QML sample viewers
- Offline geocode; C++ only, dropdown options display false - Display map sample; C++ version was using wrong basemap style
- Changed the layers displayed in Open Map (URL) Sample due to service discontinuation
- Removed soil survey geographic layer from Build a Legend due to service discontinuation
- QML List KML contents sample, when viewing Extruded KMLPlacemark, QML view was placed at placemark rather than above and therefore the placemark was not visible