EoZ's styling/animation for web related applications
Version: css1.0.1
- Updating Project around various styling languages - currently, CSS and SCSS
- N/A
- Medium Screen size tweaking
- Small Screen size tweaking
- Modularity
- CSS Variables Implemented
- Updated ReadMe :)
- Split up the main .css file into pieces, each group with its own _all.css
- Updated Button classes and structure
- Added "grow" animation class
- Removed default border around the "panel" class
- Added "border" class for panels
- Changed NavBar positioning to not rely on JavaScript, but rather CSS.
- Displaying Examples of different grid sizes for elements using the large, medium, and small classes.
- Footer added.
- Color classes added for CSS.
- Example page, CSS, JS:
- Adding usable styles for buttons
- Grid System for full size screens done
- Navigation panels
- "Planes" and their styling: (Hightened Plane, Base Plane, Ethereal Plane)
- Animation of Nav/Tool bar's shadow depending on location of screen.
- Panel styling + "content" spacing.
- Initial release:
- Basic foundation for the project.