1.) Run the script "pipeline_setting.pl".
If you just type ./pipeline_setting.pl
you will get the following information:
This script must be run before the pipeline (snakemake). The arguments are as followed
--ref <file> The reference protein FASTA file [COMPULSORY]
--trans <file1> <file2> One or more transcriptome(s) nucleotide fasta file(s) [COMPULSORY]
--project <name> A name for your project [COMPULSORY]
--gff <file> The GFF3 file of your reference genome (from Phytozome) [COMPULSORY]
--script <directory> The directory that contains all the secondary scripts [COMPULSORY]
--refblast <file> A "ref versus ref" blastp tabular output
Ex. : ./pipeline_setting.pl --project My_Project --ref my_reference.protein.fasta --trans my_new_transcriptome.fasta my_other_new_transcriptome.fasta --gff my_ref_proteome.gff --script my_script_folder
2.) Go into the newly created project directory.
3.) Type snakemake
Do the "ref proteome versus ref proteome" blastp search (except if it has been done before) -> tabular blastp output file
Run the "get_low_copy.py" script on this blastp output file -> list of protein names.
Run the "parsGff3.py" script on the reference GFF3 file -> list of protein names.
Run the "extract_fasta_from_list.pl" script. It uses the 2 lists of protein names -> fasta file of selected protein sequences
If two "de novo" transcriptomes are used, a blastn search of transcriptome 1 against transcriptome 2 will be done and produce a list of sequences from transcriptome 1 that have good blast hit to a sequence in transcriptome 2.
Blastx search of transcriptome/selected nucleotide sequences against selected reference protein sequences -> blastx tabular output file.
[7- Run parseBLASTtable.py]