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The Version Object: capable of asking the important question, isCompatible() & isSupported().

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Version Lib

Allows version checking of whatever is running on the server before running version-dependent code.

The API:

  • public boolean isCompatible(String minVersion)
    • @param minVersion - The absolute minimum version that's required to achieve compatibility.
    • @return Return true, if the currently running/installed version is greater than or equal to minVersion.
  • public boolean isSupported(String maxVersion)
    • @param maxVersion - The absolute maximum version that's supported.
    • @return Return true, if the currently running/installed version is less than or equal to maxVersion.
  • constructor Version(String version)
    • @param version - This is the version that is running on the server.
  • constructor Version(String version, Tester tester)
    • @param tester - This is an optional interface that you can pass in.
    • tester.test() will execute before isCompatible() & isSupported()
      • tester.test() must return true or else isCompatible() & isSupported() will return false.
      • true = continue the version checking.
      • false = stop the version checking and return false.
    • tester.test() can be any custom test that you want to perform.
      • For example, you can wrap plugin.isEnabled()
      • Or, you can attach an test to see if the plugin is in a broken state: Most likely from an Exception during onEnable()
      • Or, anything else your heart desires :P
  • FieldTester.isInitialized(T t)
    • checks t for null fields.
    • returns true is no fields are null.
    • returns false is any fields are null.

Examples using VersionFactory construction:

public class SomePlugin extends JavaPlugin {
    private Version server;
    public static final String MAX = "1.8.7-R9.9-SNAPSHOT";
    public static final String MIN = "1.2.5";
    public static final String NMS = VersionFactory.getNmsPackage();

    public void onEnable() {
        server = VersionFactory.getServerVersion();
        if (!server.isSupported(MAX) || !server.isCompatible(MIN)) {
            getLogger().info("This plugin is not compatible with your server.");
            getLogger().info("The maximum supported version is " + MAX);
            getLogger().info("The minimum compatible version is " + MIN);
        // ...
        Version HD = VersionFactory.getPluginVersion("HolographicDisplays");
        Version Holoapi = VersionFactory.getPluginVersion("HoloAPI");
        debug.log("HolographicDisplays version = " + HD.toString());
        debug.log("HoloAPI version = " + Holoapi.toString());
        if (ShowHolograms && HD.isCompatible("1.8.5")) {
            this.holograms = new HolographicDisplay(this);
            debug.log("HolographicDisplays support is enabled.");
        } else if (ShowHolograms && Holoapi.isEnabled()) {
            this.holograms = new HolographicAPI(this);
            debug.log("HoloAPI support is enabled.");
        } else {
            this.holograms = new HologramsOff();
            debug.log("Hologram support is disabled.");
            debug.log("Please download HoloAPI or HolographicDisplays to enable Hologram support.");
    public static Class<?> getNmsClass(String clazz) throws Exception {
        return Class.forName("com.yourdomain.yourproject.compat." + NMS + "." + clazz);

The above code checks server compatibility & plugin compatibility. Checking minimum versions is perfectly fine... but you definitely have to be careful when checking for maximums. For example, using the above code is not the best way to check for server compatibility because 1.8.8 is actually compatible with 1.8.7: Instead, check that you have classes available for NMS = "v1_8_R3": Like this:

public class VirtualPlayers extends JavaPlugin {

    private static final String NMS = VersionFactory.getNmsPackage();

    public void onEnable() {
        if (!isServerCompatible()) {
        // onEnable() code ...
    private boolean isServerCompatible() {
        String className = "mc.alk.virtualplayers.nms." + NMS + ".CraftVirtualPlayer";
        try {
            return true;
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
            getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "VirtualPlayers is not compatible with your server.");
            getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "IMPLEMENTATION NOT FOUND: ");
            getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, className);
            return false;

Finally, you may want to add additional checks & protections. Previously, we have only checked that the plugin is installed and that it's enabled. We can, however, additional check that the plugin is also working properly (by making sure that its fields are not null) using FieldTester.isIntialized(genericObject):

  public static WorldGuardInterface newInstance() {
      WorldGuardInterface WGI = null;
      Version<Plugin> we = VersionFactory.getPluginVersion("WorldEdit");
      Version<Plugin> wg = VersionFactory.getPluginVersion("WorldGuard");
      WorldGuardPlugin wgp = (WorldGuardPlugin) Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("WorldGuard");

      boolean wgIsInitialized = FieldTester.isInitialized(wgp);
      if (we.isCompatible("6") && wg.isCompatible("6") && wgIsInitialized) {
          WGI = instantiate("v6");
      } else if (we.isCompatible("5") && we.isLessThan("6") && wg.isCompatible("5") && wg.isLessThan("6")&& wgIsInitialized) {
          WGI = instantiate("v5");
      } else {
          // Not present, not compatible, or not supported.
          System.out.println("[BattleArena] WG/WE not present, not compatible, or not supported.");
          WGI = instantiate("v0");
      return WGI;

Maven Repository:

[] ( "Maven Repository")

If you use maven, put these declarations in your pom.xml:

repositories section:

Check to make sure this repository is still active. If not, you will have to install the project to your local ~/.m2/repository


Installation to your local ~/.m2/repository

git latest version:

  • git clone
  • mvn clean install

git previous versions:

  • git clone
  • git log --format=oneline
  • git checkout <hash>
  • mvn clean install
  • git checkout master

ci file download & mvn install:

  • Or, you can download a jar and run the mvn install:install-file command.
  • This is also helpful to install any dependencies that maven can't automatically download.
    • Arguments:
      • -Dfile= : The name & location of the jar
      • -DgroupId= : Mine is mc.euro
      • -DartifactId= : If you decompile or unzip the jar, then you can find this & other information inside the folder META-INF/maven/{groupId}.{artifactId}/ & pom.xml
      • -Dversion : Also found in & pom.xml
      • Dpackaging=jar
      • DcreateChecksum=true
    • Example: mvn install:install-file -Dfile="C:\Users\Nikolai\Documents\lib\version\2.0.1\Version.jar" -DgroupId=mc.euro -DartifactId=Version -Dversion=2.0.1 -Dpackaging=jar -DcreateChecksum=true

dependencies section:

I recommend using 2.0.1 or 4.0.1


build-plugins section:




Nick at [email protected]

Nicodemis79 on Skype



The Version Object: capable of asking the important question, isCompatible() & isSupported().






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