A record of my CS35L Assignments for Winter 2022
- Emacs ergonomics and practice
- Write shell script that spell checks argument files using a provided dictionary
- Write short Lisp function that retusn position of cursor in an emacs buffer
- Write limited implementation of GNU coreutils shuf invocation in Python
- Create modified tic-tac-toe game in React (called chorus-lapilli)
- Rules:
- Normal tic tac toe until each person has 3 pieces on the board
- Users then move their pieces to adjacent open spots on the board
- Rules:
- Created using npx create-react-app but only the source code is here for concision purposes
- Detective work done for a git repo using shell commands (after cloning)
- Write Python script that automates counting timezone occurrences given a CSV of timezones
- Given a singular file that implements the logic for outputting a random n number of bytes:
- Reorganize a C file into headers and implementation files
- Add new options to an original implementation using getopt()
- Modify and add new target to Makefile for testing purposes
- Write a python script that:
- Finds the closest .git ancestor repository
- Gets only the commits from the .git hidden repository (plumbing vs porcelain)
- Deterministically topologically sorts those commits
- Outputs the topological sort to stdout as a graph