Hello there! I'm Evelyn Cassinotte, I'm currently studying Software Development at FATEC College and I'm a graduate of a Computer Technician course at ETEC. Although my academic background initially didn't lead me into the programming field, I've circled back with a renewed passion for software development. My goal is to enhance my skills and contribute to the ever-evolving tech landscape.
- Creativity: I find great joy in exploring new ideas and endeavor to bring innovation to the table.
- Empathy: I possess a strong sense of empathy, valuing the perspectives, opinions, and emotions of my co-workers.
- Technical Proficiency: I have a solid foundation in programming logic and Database Development.
- Programming Languages: I have knowledge in C#, Delphi, and Java.
- Database Management Systems: Experienced with SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
- Version Control: I've become familiar with the use of the GIT distributed version control system, particularly within the GitHub platform
After a hiatus, I've decided to dive back into the world of software development. I'm excited about the challenges and opportunities ahead, as well as the chance to contribute to meaningful projects.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, want to collaborate, or just chat about tech and innovation. Let's code something amazing together!