Please see Experimental Microbial Ecology Metadata Scheme for details.
Github site
See the vignette “User Manual” at vignette ‘User manual’.
The R package emeScheme
contains additional functionality for
entering, editing, validating and exporting.
The package is not on CRAN. Therefore it needs to be installed from github.
## install the devtools package if not installed yet
# install.packages("devtools")
## install the last version of emeScheme from github incl vignettes
devtools::install_github("Exp-Micro-Ecol-Hub/emeScheme", ref = "master", build_opts = NULL)
- ‘User manual for experimental microbial ecology metadata tool’ for a walk-through of using te emeScheme
The documentation of the base package dmdScheme
can be found at
Experimental Microbial Ecology Metadata
- The emeScheme - an
by Rainer M Krug.