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πŸ’« About Me:

I'm currently working on Large Language models(LLM's) and Machine learning algorithms
I'm looking to collaborate with anyone who has a passion for code

πŸ’» Tech Stack:

C C++ Java HTML5 JavaScript CSS3 Python Shell Script GithubPages Chart.js Bootstrap FastAPI Flask React MySQL Figma Dribbble Canva Matplotlib Keras TensorFlow PandasExpress.js NumPy PyTorch scikit-learn

πŸ“Š GitHub Stats:

πŸ” Top Contributed Repo

An image of @exterminator11's Holopin badges, which is a link to view their full Holopin profile

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Email - [email protected]

Popular repositories Loading

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    Config files for my GitHub profile.

  2. Project-School Project-School Public


  3. Public


  4. codespaces-jupyter codespaces-jupyter Public template

    Forked from github/codespaces-jupyter

    Explore machine learning and data science with Codespaces

    Jupyter Notebook

  5. AIPtest AIPtest Public

    Forked from stratosphereips/AIP

    The Attacker IP Prioritizer(AIP) algorithm is a python program designed to dynamically generate a resource-friendly IPv4 address blacklist based on data collected from attacks on a network.


  6. StratosphereLinuxIPS StratosphereLinuxIPS Public

    Forked from stratosphereips/StratosphereLinuxIPS

    Slips, a free software behavioral Python intrusion prevention system (IDS/IPS) that uses machine learning to detect malicious behaviors in the network traffic. Stratosphere Laboratory, AIC, FEL, CV…
