This repository contains tests for running e2e-verfication on the FIWARE platform deployed by the marinera-project.
The tests are structured using cucumber. The feature-definitions can be found in the test/resources. The test execution and implementation itself uses junit5 and the okhttp-client for all API-calls. The frontend-checks(especially those to grafana) use selenium.
For executing the tests, a selenium-instance is required. It can f.e. be run via docker:
docker run -p 4444:4444 --shm-size="2g" selenium/standalone-chrome
Test execution can be done via maven:
mvn clean test
or by running the docker container:
docker run<VERSION>
The tests can be configured, using the following Enviornment-Variables:
Name | Description | Default |
REMOTE_DRIVER_URL | Url of the selenium instance to be used. | http://localhost:4444 |
GRAFANA_URL | Url of the grafana to check. | http://localhost:3000 |
BROKER_URL | Url of the broker to be used for data creation. | http://localhost:1026 |
QUANTUM_LEAP_URL | Url of the quantum-leap to receive the notifications from the broker. | http://quantumleap-quantumleap:8668 |
TEST_ENTITY_ID | Id of the test-entity to be created. | test-air-quality |
DATASOURCE_CHECKER_DASHBOARD_NAME | Name of the datasource checker dashboard. | orion-datasource-checker |
HISTORIC_DATA_GRID_POSITION | Position of the historic data table inside the data grid. | 1 |
CURRENT_DATA_GRID_POSITION | Position of the current data table inside the data grid. | 2 |
GRAFANA_USERNAME | Username to be used for logging into grafana. | user |
GRAFANA_PASSWORD | Password to be used for logging into grafana. | password |
KEYCLOAK_USERNAME | Username to be used for JWT generation. | null |
KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD | Password to be used for JWT generation. | null |
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID | ClientId to be used for JWT generation. | null |
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET | ClientSecret to be used for JWT generation. | null |
KEYCLOAK_URL | Url of the keycloak. | null |
KEYCLOAK_REALM | Realm to authenticate in. | null |
PEP_URL | Url of the broker has to be changed to the PEP-Proxy. | null |
Currently, three scenarios are defined:
- one running through broker-api
- one running through the pep-proxy
- one that checks that the AQ App is correctly deployed
With the "groups" parameter, the execution can be configured. The three groups are: secured
, unsecured
and aqapp
. For example: if the test should be used without security, run them via mvn clean test -DexcludeGroups="secured"