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Continuous Integration Strategy

Jennings Zhang edited this page Jan 30, 2021 · 4 revisions


Github Actions has several advantages over Travis CI and DockerHub Autobuilds.

  • 2021 Travis pricing plans for open source are infeasible
  • Dockerhub autobuild only supports x86_64 images, however we have an interest in supporting the PowerPC architecture
  • Single-platform continuous integration can be test-aware (what if tests on Travis fail, but Dockerhub builds latest images anyway?)


Define a Github Actions workflow .github/workflows/ci.yml which runs tests and builds docker images.

Unit tests (nosetests) and integration tests are run concurrently in separate jobs. If both jobs pass, build a docker image. The docker image should support both amd64 and ppc64le architectures. Finally, the built images are pushed to Dockerhub.

Reference implementation:

Version Tags

The docker image is tagged :latest when the workflow is triggered by a push, or :<tagname> when triggered by a git tag. Tag and push for the same commit trigger two separate workflow events. In effect, when a new version is committed, tagged, and pushed, the same image is built twice and it will have the docker tags :latest and :<tagname>.



DOCKER_USERNAME, DOCKER_PASSWORD, and SLACK_WEBHOOK should be stored in organization-wide secrets.


The file Dockerfile_dev is still built on Dockerhub autobuilds with the tag :dev. Its base image is fnndsc/ubuntu-python3 (which I would like to call legacy) and it contains extra packages which might be helpful for debugging.