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ahasverus committed Feb 7, 2023
1 parent 6c5d385 commit 00bc369
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Showing 24 changed files with 8,447 additions and 5,062 deletions.
4,616 changes: 0 additions & 4,616 deletions assets/libs/font-awesome-5.15.3/css/all.css

This file was deleted.

5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions assets/libs/font-awesome-5.15.3/css/all.min.css

This file was deleted.

5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions assets/libs/font-awesome-5.15.3/css/v4-shims.min.css

This file was deleted.

Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
7,944 changes: 7,944 additions & 0 deletions assets/libs/font-awesome-6.2.1/css/all.css

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions assets/libs/font-awesome-6.2.1/css/all.min.css

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions assets/libs/font-awesome-6.2.1/css/v4-shims.min.css

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions assets/libs/header-attrs-2.20/header-attrs.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
// Pandoc 2.9 adds attributes on both header and div. We remove the former (to
// be compatible with the behavior of Pandoc < 2.8).
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(e) {
var hs = document.querySelectorAll("div.section[class*='level'] > :first-child");
var i, h, a;
for (i = 0; i < hs.length; i++) {
h = hs[i];
if (!/^h[1-6]$/i.test(h.tagName)) continue; // it should be a header h1-h6
a = h.attributes;
while (a.length > 0) h.removeAttribute(a[0].name);
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions index.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
title: <br>Git for R Users
subtitle: "<i>A Gentle Introduction to Version Control</i>"
date: .inst[March 2022]
author: <br><br><br>Nicolas Casajus<br>Laura Mannocci
date: .inst[February 2023]
author: <br><br><br>Nicolas Casajus<br>Camille Coux
css: ["assets/css/xaringan-themer.css", "assets/css/custom.css"]
Expand Down
59 changes: 40 additions & 19 deletions index.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,21 +3,29 @@
<title> Git for R Users</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="author" content=" Nicolas Casajus Laura Mannocci" />
<script src="assets/libs/header-attrs-2.11/header-attrs.js"></script>
<link href="assets/libs/font-awesome-5.15.3/css/all.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="assets/libs/font-awesome-5.15.3/css/v4-shims.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<meta name="author" content=" Nicolas Casajus Camille Coux" />
<script src="assets/libs/header-attrs-2.20/header-attrs.js"></script>
<link href="assets/libs/font-awesome-6.2.1/css/all.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="assets/libs/font-awesome-6.2.1/css/v4-shims.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/xaringan-themer.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/custom.css" type="text/css" />
<textarea id="source">
class: right, middle, title-slide

# <br>Git for R Users
## <i>A Gentle Introduction to Version Control</i>
### <br><br><br>Nicolas Casajus<br>Laura Mannocci
### .inst[March 2022]
### <br><br><br>Nicolas Casajus<br>Camille Coux
### .inst[February 2023]


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,9 +56,9 @@

<i class="fa fa-hand-point-right normal" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;
<i class="far fa-hand-point-right normal" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;
`Version Control System`
&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; <i class="fa fa-hand-point-left normal" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-left icon"></i>
&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; <i class="far fa-hand-point-left normal" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-left icon"></i>

[![:scale 20.0%](assets/img/logo-git.png)](
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,14 +100,14 @@


<i class="fa fa-hand-point-right" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> &amp;nbsp;
<i class="far fa-hand-point-right" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> &amp;nbsp;
Everything is managed by &amp;nbsp;<i class="fab fa-git" role="presentation" aria-label="git icon"></i> &amp;nbsp;and stored in
the hidden folder `.git/`
&lt;br&gt;(specific to a project)


<i class="fa fa-hand-point-right" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> &amp;nbsp;
<i class="far fa-hand-point-right" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> &amp;nbsp;
The content of this folder is modified with `git commands` or GUI ([`RStudio`](
&lt;br&gt;(never by hand)

Expand All @@ -111,9 +119,9 @@
&lt;br /&gt;

<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" role="presentation" aria-label="exclamation-triangle icon"></i> &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;
<i class="fas fa-triangle-exclamation" role="presentation" aria-label="triangle-exclamation icon"></i> &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;
`Git` and `GitHub` are **not** the same thing
&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; <i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" role="presentation" aria-label="exclamation-triangle icon"></i>
&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; <i class="fas fa-triangle-exclamation" role="presentation" aria-label="triangle-exclamation icon"></i>

&lt;br /&gt;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,7 +205,7 @@

<i class="fa fa-hand-point-right" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> &amp;nbsp;
<i class="far fa-hand-point-right" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> &amp;nbsp;
<i class="fab fa-git" role="presentation" aria-label="git icon"></i> &amp;nbsp;takes **snapshots** of a
project and helps to navigate between them

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,13 +260,13 @@

- A commit contains:

<i class="fa fa-hand-point-right" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> a `WHO`: the person who made the commit;
<i class="far fa-hand-point-right" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> a `WHO`: the person who made the commit;

<i class="fa fa-hand-point-right" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> a `WHEN`: the date of the commit;
<i class="far fa-hand-point-right" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> a `WHEN`: the date of the commit;

<i class="fa fa-hand-point-right" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> a `WHAT`: which files have been modified;
<i class="far fa-hand-point-right" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> a `WHAT`: which files have been modified;

<i class="fa fa-hand-point-right" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> a `WHY`: the reason of the commit
<i class="far fa-hand-point-right" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> a `WHY`: the reason of the commit
(what has been done compared to the previous commit).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -325,14 +333,14 @@


<i class="fa fa-hand-point-right" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> &amp;nbsp;
<i class="far fa-hand-point-right" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> &amp;nbsp;
When you reach a milestone in your analysis


## Useful Git commands

<i class="fa fa-hand-point-right" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> &amp;nbsp;
<i class="far fa-hand-point-right" role="presentation" aria-label="hand-point-right icon"></i> &amp;nbsp;
All `git` commands follow the same pattern: `git SUBCMD [ARGS]`

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -444,6 +452,19 @@
deleted = true;
// add `data-at-shortcutkeys` attribute to <body> to resolve conflicts with JAWS
// screen reader (see PR #262)
(function(d) {
let res = {};
d.querySelectorAll('.remark-help-content table tr').forEach(tr => {
const t = tr.querySelector('td:nth-child(2)').innerText;
tr.querySelectorAll('td:first-child .key').forEach(key => {
const k = key.innerText;
if (/^[a-z]$/.test(k)) res[k] = t; // must be a single letter (key)
d.body.setAttribute('data-at-shortcutkeys', JSON.stringify(res));
(function() {
"use strict"
// Replace <script> tags in slides area to make them executable
Expand Down

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