Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) has proven to be highly effective in boosting the generative performance of language model in knowledge-intensive tasks. However, existing RAG framework either indiscriminately perform retrieval or rely on rigid single-class classifiers to select retrieval methods, leading to inefficiencies and suboptimal performance across queries of varying complexity. To address these challenges, we propose a reinforcement learning-based framework that dynamically selects the most suitable retrieval strategy based on query complexity. Our approach leverages a multi-armed bandit algorithm, which treats each retrieval method as a distinct ``arm'' and adapts the selection process by balancing exploration and exploitation. Additionally, we introduce a dynamic reward function that balances accuracy and efficiency, penalizing methods that require more retrieval steps, even if they lead to a correct result. Our method achieves new state of the art results on multiple single-hop and multi-hop datasets while reducing retrieval costs.
On the left, the AdaptiveRAG pipeline relies on an inaccurate heuristic approach to assign queries of different complexities to a single generation process. On the right, we propose an MBA-RAG framework that allows the model to explore the merits of different generation methods and rewards it based on fine-grained assessments of generation quality and cost.
- You can download multi-hop datasets (MuSiQue, HotpotQA, and 2WikiMultiHopQA) from And follow the process instruction on AdaptiveRAG
# Download the preprocessed datasets for the test set.
$ bash ./download/
# Prepare the dev set, which will be used for training our query complexity classfier.
$ bash ./download/
$ python processing_scripts/ musique dev_diff_size 500
$ python processing_scripts/ hotpotqa dev_diff_size 500
$ python processing_scripts/ 2wikimultihopqa dev_diff_size 500
- Alternatively, you can download our pre-processed dataset from and place data into MAB folder.
cd MAB/
We refer to the repository of AdaptiveRAG as a skeleton code.