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Face recognition SDK Android with 3D passive liveness detection (Face Detection, Face Landmarks, Face Recognition, Face Liveness, Face Pose, Face Expression, Face attributes)

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Face Recognition SDK Android with 3D Passive Liveness Detection - Fully On Premise


Explore our face recognition SDK Top-ranked on NIST FRVT , coupled with an advanced iBeta level 2 liveness detection engine that effectively safeguards against printed photos, video replay, 3D masks, and deepfake threats, ensuring top-tier security.
This is on-premise face recognition SDK which means everything is processed in your phone and NO data leaves the device

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Install License

The code below shows how to use the license:

textWarning = findViewById<TextView>(
var ret = FaceSDK.setActivation(
"BHXyX7G02RB3wpAm3E3+87VOyDelFmVDeobU0eg5pOe6W9gX/KM1csCi18Dw9bPrq96V5OCtPz/z\n" +
"fu64b+PDL4tPvoRics/+JF8iNakrqSOpF6jfYig5SPZAov6ufNoxdd01MpuYLZdjpLAfxr2DWho6\n" +
"kiTH8vV/3IGT1ZjsLfmtllDeXE80oan4GuSYsGVj5YxwAeyUEKcAT6+wMipYUK0HXHVnKkAZp6rm\n" +
"owBRpquxBUIlCMcbzYjIu0mu/lMy5ZIPklaLWflaG8rMIxJgFhOQMob4dV1cJcvNUdfv4PZwnUh2\n" +
if (ret == FaceSDK.SDK_SUCCESS) {
ret = FaceSDK.init(assets)
if (ret != FaceSDK.SDK_SUCCESS) {

Please contact us to get the license.



Copy the SDK (libfacesdk folder) to the root folder in your project.

Add SDK to the project in settings.gradle = "YourProjectName"
include ':app'
include ':libfacesdk'

Add dependency to your build.gradle

implementation project(path: ':libfacesdk')


Activate SDK using license

public static native int setActivation(java.lang.String s);

Init model for face recognition and liveness detection

public static native int init(AssetManager var0);

Convert camera frame in YUV to Bitmap

public static native Bitmap yuv2Bitmap(byte[] var0, int var1, int var2, int var3);

Run face recognition and liveness detection

public static native List<FaceBox> faceDetection(Bitmap var0, FaceDetectionParam var1);

Extract feature vector for the enrollment

public static native byte[] templateExtraction(Bitmap var0, FaceBox var1);

Calculate cosine similarity for the matching

public static native float similarityCalculation(byte[] var0, byte[] var1);

SDK Codes

Code Status
0 Activate SDK successfully
-1 Invalid License Key
-2 Invalid AppID
-3 Expired License Key
-4 Activation Failed
-5 SDK Failed



Type Name Description
Rect rect Bounding box for face
int liveness Liveness status: 0 for spoof, 1 for real, less than 0 for unknown
int gender Gender classification result
int mask Mask presence: 0 for no mask, 1 for mask
int age Age estimation result
float yaw Yaw angle: -45 to 45 degrees
float roll Roll angle: -45 to 45 degrees
float pitch Pitch angle: -45 to 45 degrees
byte[] feature 2056-byte facial feature data
byte[] faceData Encrypted facial data
int orient Face orientation: 1 for no rotation, 2 for 90° rotation, 3 for 270° rotation, 4 for 180° rotation
int faceId Face ID in the tracking face mode
public class FaceResult {
    public Rect rect;
    public int liveness;
    public int gender;
    public int mask;
    public int age;
    public float yaw;
    public float roll;
    public float pitch;
    public byte[] feature;
    public byte[] faceData;
    public int    orient;
    public int faceId;
    public FaceResult() {

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