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Justin edited this page Nov 2, 2015 · 1 revision

Testing is done with PHPUnit as the test runner. Tests are organized into suites in the tests/Functional directory. Test suites extend ApiTestCase which provides helpful methods such as creating a client object.

The current tests are all functional tests. That is why code coverage is so low. This library provides objects for the full Gedcomx model but the FamilySearch API does not support the full model. The functional tests focus on testing what the FamilySearch API supports.

Unit tests should be added.

For authentication, tests use a client_id that is granted special permission to use the OAuth2 password flow so that we can authenticate programmatically. The client_id only functions in sandbox.

Tests are recorded with PHP-VCR, otherwise the tests would run for close to an hour. PHP-VCR matches requests from the SDK to a list of requests stored in JSON file. There is one JSON file for each test. The @vcr annotation specifies which file the requests are found in. The files are stored in the tests/fixtures directory.

PHP-VCR matches intercepted requests against recorded requests to determine which response should be played back. It can be configured to use any method for comparison. At the time of writing we are comparing against the request method, url, query params, body, and all headers except for User-Agent.

Because we are comparing request bodies, we must gaurantee that any generated data is always the same. We use Faker and seed it to gaurantee the data is always the same. When writing new tests which generate data, be sure to use Faker. An instance of faker is available in all test suites via $this->faker.

Using PHP-VCR also means a given test cannot issue two requests with the same method-url-query-body-headers combination and expect different results. We want to test different responses to the same URL when verifying that updates to an object work. The easier way to get around this limitation is to try appending a useless query parameter to the url.

Some tests which are not easily recorded may run live. Tests for most memories endpoints are skipped because PHP-VCR does not record files in the post body well and the endpoints for live testing are unreliable.

PHP-VCR is configured in tests/bootstrap.php.



  • Step 1: Register
  • Step 2: Set up your test environment
  • Step 3: Build tutorial.php
  • Step 4: Use the SDK Documentation

Sample App



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