Telegram bot assign a duty + reminder.
Launch postgres and do the following:
- Create database
- Create RW user for application and grant all permissions for the database from previous step
- Enable uuid-ossp extention to postgres
For examples see internal/migrations/init.sql
There is two launch options: direct and run in container
Populate .env file with configuration.
Current configuration variables is in internal/config/config.go
Example .env file file for fish shell:
# Database connect string format:
# postgresql://[user[:password]@][netloc][:port][/dbname][?param1=value1&...]
set -Ux DB_CONNECT_STRING 'postgresql://postgres:[email protected]:5432/<your db name>?sslmode=disable'
# To create a bot one can use botfather:
set -Ux BOT_TOKEN '<your telegram bot token>'
# Never assign listen address to in production environment. This is just an example.
To enable configuration you just need to source it:
source .env
Finally let's lauch app:
go run cmd/dutybot/main.go
That's pretty simple.
docker build -t dutybot:latest .
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t fedoseevalex/dutybot:latest .
and finally (if you have permission to push)
docker push fedoseevalex/dutybot:latest
! Not tested these commands myself, so please adjust !
docker pull fedoseevalex/dutybot:latest
docker run --env-file .env --expose 8443:8433 --name dutybot --detach fedoseevalex/dutybot:latest
Original instruction: Create keys first
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -keyout <private key name>.key -x509 -days 365 -out <public key name>.pem -subj "/C=<Country code>/ST=<city>/L=<location>/O=<organization>/CN=<server ip>"
And then inform telegram that you will use self signed cert
curl -F "url=https://<server ip>:<hook port>/<bot token>" -F "certificate=@<public key name>.pem" <><bot token>/setWebhook