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BOP Panel Manipulation Mission

Youssef-Khaky edited this page May 18, 2020 · 9 revisions


This launch file starts Gazebo with the rexrov UUV spawned in front of a bop panel. The purpose of this is to demonstrate the capabilities and functionalities of the manipulator. The robot is in velocity control mode, meaning that the robot will hover in position when there is no input provided to the controller.
Run the following command in a sourced terminal
roslaunch uuv_dave valve_manipulation_demo.launch
This launch includes the following:

  • Launches the uuv_dave_ocean_waves world
  • Spawns the rexrov UUV with the oberon7 manipulator and the joint controller node for the manipulator
  • Joystick velocity controller
  • Spawns the BOP panel
  • Launch rviz and rqt_image_view
    After running the launch command, this is how the Gazebo environment should look like.

    The task is to use the front camera's feed to close/open valves by turning the knob dials on the BOP panel using the oberon7 manipulator arm.

Velocity Control mode

The joy_velocity.launch that was included in this launch file starts a velocity_control node that enables the UUV to hold it's position when there are no command given to the controller.
This video talks more about the velocity control teleop mode.

Full mission

A full mission associated with setup can be seen in the following video. bop panel manipulation mission

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