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GTRI based Sonar Notes and Description

Bruce Allen edited this page Apr 18, 2020 · 16 revisions

The GTRI-based Sonar model at is based on and is forked from the SyllogismRXS Sonar model at, ref. "A Computationally-Efficient 2D Imaging Sonar Model for Underwater Robotics Simulations in Gazebo", Georgia Tech . This fork has been modified as follows:

  • It has been ported to work with ROS Melodic and Gazebo 9.
  • The algorithm for converting the point cloud from the Gazebo Ray module to a Gazebo camera image has been merged into the Gazebo module. The image is no longer calculated and advertised on a separate ROS Node.
  • Modules not related to modeling Sonar have been removed in order to simplify the repository.

Example Usage

See for usage and example screenshot.

.xacro Interface

Here is a proposed xacro macro for instantiating a named Sonar instance onto a parent link:

Name: gtri_based_fls. Parameters: namespace, suffix, parent_link, topic, *origin.

ROS Interface

Here are the topics published by this Sonar model:

Message type Suggested topic name Description
sensor_msgs::PointCloud sonar_cloud The point cloud is calculated from Gazebo's RaySensor interface.
sensor_msgs::Image sonar_image The Sonar image calculated from the point cloud.
sensor_msgs::CameraInfo sonar_image_camera_info The height, width, and timestamp of the currently available Sonar image.


The implementation is divided into two parts, 1) point cloud and 2) camera image:

Point Cloud

The point cloud is calculated from information available in Gazebo's RaySensor interface,

Sonar Image

The Sonar image is calculated from the point cloud, see file cloud_to_image.cpp.

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