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Craig Weinschenk edited this page Feb 6, 2017 · 5 revisions

I am having trouble logging in. What can I do?

My jurisdictional boundary is missing or incorrect. How do I update this information?

The counts for historical fires is missing or incorrect. How do I update this information?

Why can I not see the parcel data layer in the map?
Make sure you have un-clicked the radio button for 'Jurisdiction Boundary.' Also, trying zooming in on map. Note that the data may take a minute to load.

How is the performance score calculated?

How are the community risk scores calculated?

Why are the predicted number of fires and casualties different from the average numbers?

Why are there so many structures in N/A in the heat map?
To classify the hazard level of the structure the fire needed to be geocoded and tied to a physical parcel. That parcel also needed to have information about the structure present. If the geocode of the fire does not get tied to a structure or we do not have information about that specific structure then that fire becomes a N/A.

Why is my department missing stations? How do I add a new station?
We obtained station locations from a USGS map. We recognize that some stations are not in the exact location or new stations may have been built since our source material was last updated. If you think your department stations are in error please email [email protected] with Stations in the subject and be sure to include your FDID.

Why do other departments have districts visualized and mine does not?
We do not have fire district data for all departments. If you would like add your district data, please email [email protected] with the subject Fire Districts and your Department Name of FDID.

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