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Releases: FirstGearGames/FishNet


24 Feb 04:18
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  • Fixed SyncList and SyncDictionary doubling initial values for clients under rare circumstances.
  • Fixed Vector2Int and Vector3Int not deserializing properly.


20 Feb 20:34
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  • Fixed SyncDictionary/SyncList clearing when client host would disconnect but server would remain running.
  • Removed unnused InitialState from ComponentStateSync.
  • Fixed SyncDictionary and SyncList adding double entries as host.
  • Fixed serializing null GameObjects causing read error on clients.
  • Improved ServerManager now errors when a third party transport provides an invalid clientId.


18 Feb 18:16
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If coming from Fish-Networking 1.2.0.Nightly.0 or lower and NOT updating from the asset store delete your FishNet folder first.

  • Improved MirrorUpgrade tool to support Mirror57x+.
  • Improved objectIds are randomized in release builds.
  • (Pro) Added Yak transport, an offline transport which doesn't create sockets.
  • (Pro) Added automatic build code stripping.
  • Fixed SceneManager not clearing values when the server would disconnect.
  • Improved several logging and codegen messages.
  • Fixed clientId and RPCLinks not working properly after exceeding 32,767 concurrent connections or spawned objects.
  • Added Configuration window under Fish-Networking menu.
  • Added additional IL2CPP support for older Android devices.
  • Improved PredictedRigidbody.
  • Changed RigidbodyPrediction default prediction ratio to 0f.
  • Added PredictedRigidbody2D.
  • Fixed scene objects being disabled on clients with NetworkObject.IsNetworked unchecked.
  • Fixed SceneManager unloading scenes that were in scenes to be loaded, while using SceneLoadData.ReplaceOption.
  • Fixed incorrect parsing when sending multiple split packets in the same tick, one immediately after the other.
  • Added RPC overloading support.
  • Fixed ServerManager not sending Id to owner with ShareIds off.
  • Changed NetworkTransform send checks from OnTick to OnPostTick.
  • Improved Pro tools now only show locked message if user does not have Pro.
  • Fixed NetworkTransform in rare cases not completing a rotation with extremely low tick rates.
  • Improved NetworkTransform movement by turning on a feature that wasn't supposed to be turned off.
  • Improved Physics simulation mode and times revert to user settings on exit/stop play.
  • Improved codegen warns against directly accessing SyncVars which are being inherited from different assemblies.
  • Fixed broadcasts no longer warn when nothing is registered to a broadcast.
  • Fixed Client/ServerAttribute creating IL errors when used on a static method in a class that inherited NetworkBehaviour.
  • Added Manually Refresh Default Prefabs button to NetworkManager inspector.
  • Fixed Tugboat client timeout sometimes not working in editor.
  • Fixed scene objects sometimes not spawning when using Enter Play Mode Options with Reload Domain unchecked, and Reload Scene checked.
  • Fixed SyncType values not resetting on scene objects when server or client were stopped, while also not exiting play mode.
  • Improved TimeManager.TicksToTime to now take an optional boolean for using LocalTick or Tick.
  • Added TimeManager.TicksToTimeDouble methods.
  • Removed old files.
  • Fixed ClientAttribute.RequireOwnership not working properly.
  • Added more constructors to SceneLoadData.
  • Added RunLocally field to all RPC attributes. This allows the logic to run on the caller as well send the RPC.
  • Improved disabled socket timeout when acting as host.
  • Added TimeManager.SetTickRate to allow setting TickRate at runtime. This change must be synchronized manually.
  • Improved when server frame rate is default value(9999) it changes to tick rate.
  • Removed ServerManager.MaximumClientMTU. This feature will be greatly improved upon over the next release.


26 Jan 02:14
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  • Added ComponentStateSync to examples. This new SyncType uses the custom SyncType feature to synchronize components enabled/disabled states.
  • Improved DefaultPrefabObjects compatibility over cloned projects. These changes should alleviate prefab mismatch errors.
  • Improved NetworkTransform. It now has considerably better replication and can withstand harsh network conditions much better as well.
  • Added NetworkTransform Pro; available to supporters. This unlocks parent synchronization and extrapolation.
  • Added NetworkAnimator Pro; available to supporters. This unlocks choosing which parameters to synchronize.
  • Added Collider Rollback/Lag Compensation Pro; available to supporters.
  • Added TimeManager.TickPercent, to know how far into the next tick the client or server is.
  • Fixed HUD example not allowing Server socket to be toggled after server failed to initialize due to the port being unavailable.
  • Improved ping abuse checks no longer apply when running server as editor.
  • Improved codegen now errors when using a SyncObject type without the proper attribute.
  • Improved missing sceneId error message to be more descriptive.
  • Fixed codegen errors when a synchronizing type was in another assembly and inherited from NetworkBehaviour.
  • Changed IsOwner no longer returns true in Update before client callbacks when running as host.
  • Improved (removed) allocations in NetworkTransform.
  • Improved (removed) allocations in Reader.
  • Improved (removed) allocations in Tugboat.
  • Improved ByteArrayPool for less resize chances.
  • Changed ByteArrayPool useConcurrent option is now gone.
  • Fixed Unity stripping needed code from Android builds.
  • Added NetworkAnimator.SendAll, which force sends the entire animator state and all current values.
  • Improved XML on PlayerSpawner.
  • Added ClientManager.OnAuthenticated.
  • Added more verbose state changes for server and client connections.
  • Added Writer now allows users to send null NetworkBehaviours.
  • Changed NetworkObjects.NetworkBehaviours now includes disabled NetworkBehaviours.


14 Jan 16:09
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  • Added NetworkManager.RefreshDefaultPrefabs to improve multiple-editor support.
  • Fixed SyncList/SyncDictionary client hooks initially calling twice when values were set using OnStartServer.
  • Improved several parts of XML (thanks Expostech).
  • Fixed TransportManager.IterateOutgoing sometimes throwing collection modified.
  • Added host now hides renderers when host-client is no longer an observer.
  • Fixed ObserverManager sometimes not initializing added conditions.
  • Improved how ObjectIds are assigned.
  • Improved error message text in several areas.
  • Fixed NetworkObjects sometimes not clearing observers in time.
  • Improved codegen by warning against generic RPC parameters.
  • Fixed harmless null NetworkObject warning when sometimes trying to despawn as host.
  • Improved connection.FirstObject now works for other client objects as well.
  • Added ClientManager.Clients, a collection that contains all clientIds and their objects. This feature requires ServerManager.ShareIds to be enabled.
  • Changed default logging type from Off to Warning for Server and Client attribute.
  • Added IntCache to ListCaches.
  • Improved ServerManager now tries to find Authenticator if missing on object.
  • Improved Tugboat ensuring data sends out to clients before disconnecting them when applicable.
  • Fixed NetworkAnimator incorrectly writing int values.
  • Added smoothing to transform prediction example (thanks milk7874).
  • Added smoothing to CharacterController prediction example (thanks milk7874).
  • Fixed an incorrect define in LoggingConfiguration.
  • Improved timing when clients had poor connections.


06 Jan 16:39
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  • Fixed client timing taking too long to correct when client would lose connection for several seconds.
  • Fixed TimeManager not caching and clearing client tick data when server was stopped/started.


06 Jan 00:16
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  • Fixed Tugboat ServerSocket not obeying polltime variable causing increased CPU usage.
  • Fixed NetworkAnimator throwing when an animator was not present.
  • Improved SyncListOperation XML.
  • Changed server callbacks now occur when setting SyncType values within OnStartServer.


04 Jan 15:50
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  • Fixed ObjectIds in rare cases not being assigned correctly when stopping server/client multiple times without restarting the application.
  • Improved context for several RPC related warnings.
  • Added NetworkTransform classic option to improve smoothing until NetworkTransform is finalized.
  • Added AutoStartType option to NetworkHudCanvas.
  • Improved when OnClientLoadedStartScenes is invoked. Start scenes loaded confirmation now goes through clients rather than invoking immediately when there are no global scenes.
  • Added more debug outputs for when clients are kicked.
  • Added Remove Defines to upgrade tool.
  • Fixed upgrade tool throwing errors when Mirror was imported due to IReadOnlyCollection.
  • Reverted NetworkTransform to 1.1.1 release so that it is stable until the new one is complete.
  • Changed internally from obsoleted methods.
  • Fixed disconnects related to the transport sending large packets.
  • Fixed Unity serializing a property causing NRE when using some NetworkBehaviour.QOL properties.
  • Improved Tugboat now sends on the main thread so throws are not hidden.
  • Improved Authenticator example scene by removing missing script reference.
  • Obsoleted OwnerIsValid, OwnerIsActive in favor of Owner.IsValid, Owner.IsActive. Will be removed on 2022/06/01.
  • Fixed RpcLinks clashing with prediction RPCs, resulting in reader errors.
  • Added DebugManager; mostly for internal use but is available for everyone.


29 Dec 19:09
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  • Fixed prediction not working when a RPC/SyncType used the same type as prediction.
  • Fixed data sometimes bundling into other ticks causing the transport to exceed MTU.
  • Fixed PredictedRigidbody stalling.
  • Added Warning to PredictedRigidbody inspector.
  • Improved XML for FrameRate and MaximumClientMTU.
  • Changed sealed ClientManager, ServerManager, TimeManager, Observermanager, NetworkObject, NetworkManager, NetworkObserver.
  • Fixed IsNetworked not being set true for client spawns.
  • Improved internally ServerManager.MaximumClientMTU.
  • Changed channels count is now hard-coded at 2, for reliable and unreliable.
  • Obsoleted GetChannelCount() from Transport. Will be removed 2022/06/01.


24 Dec 02:53
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  • Fluidity transport replaced with Tugboat.
  • Tugboat now use GetTimeout() properly.
  • Fixed objects being moved into incorrect scenes when stacking.
  • Fixed fields not importing for class/struct types from other assemblies.
  • Added Nullable serialization.
  • Added Dictionary serialization.
  • Added FrameRate to ClientManager.
  • Fixed Null collections not serializing properly with automatic serializers.
  • Added snapping to NetworkTransform.
  • Improved Codegen is now 8x faster.
  • Added NetworkBehaviour.ClearReplicateCache.
  • Fixed RoundTripTime being slightly off.
  • Fixed StackOverflow when trying to serialize a Type which had it's Type as a field.
  • Changed SceneLoadData.ReplaceScenes is now an enum.
  • Fixed Client callbacks not running when stopping server while running as host.
  • Fixed IL2CPP compile error for nullables writer.
  • Fixed NetworkTransform NaN.
  • TimeManager -> AddNetworkLoops moved to Initialize method.
  • Fixed Tugboat sometimes not stopping server properly when stopping server only while also acting as client.
  • Fixed client callbacks not running when stopping server while running as host.
  • TimeManager -> AddNetworkLoops moved to Initialize method.
  • Fixed XML for a few methods.
  • Fixed Color not deserializing properly.
  • Added FISHNET scripting define for third party developers.
  • Added OnStop/StartNetwork to NetworkBehaviour callbacks.
  • Added RPCs can now be virtual.
  • Added ObserverManager.
  • Added NetworkObserver condition override options.
  • Removed StartConnection(string) from Transport in favor of Transport.SetClientAddress.
  • Added ClientManager.StartConnection(address), StartConnection(address, port).
  • Fixed Headless builds throwing errors with autostart server.
  • Added DisallowMultiple components to several manager scripts.
  • Change Internally replicate collection is now a queue.
  • Added ReadPermission.Exclude owner to SyncTypes.
  • Fixed Custom serializers sometimes detecting a method as a custom serializer when it was not.