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Luke Wilson edited this page Feb 9, 2022 · 38 revisions


This page answers some common questions about Stardew Valley Expanded (SVE).

Do I have to start a new save?

Starting a new save is highly recommended. Playing on an already existing save will cause a lot of bugs. SVE is recommended for players who have thoroughly played Stardew Valley without it and are looking to feel like they're experiencing it for the first time all over again.

Why is my game stuck on the loading screen?

Some players experience excessive loading times for SVE. It may be caused by having a lot of extra mods downloaded, or having a lower-end computer. You can wait for Stardew Valley to load while doing other things on your computer, or you can remove SVE and other heavy mods if you don't have the patience to wait.

Where is Sophia's shop?

Pink Catalogue/Ledger on a stand in the room on the left (Craftroom) in her house.

How do I get the sewer key?

2 Hearts with Marlon within the first year or clear the mines in year 2+.

What's up with the third unusable arcade machine in the saloon?

It's an arcade machine used for character schedules, such as Alex and Haley's "hang out" schedule in the arcade.

Where are the sand dragon bones?

South-Eastern Corner of the desert.

Crimson Badlands Cart is gone?

As of ver. 1.13+ The Crimson Badlands has moved to the continent of Galdora and has nothing to do with the Calico Desert anymore. To get there, you must finish the Enchanted Grove Questline.

Where are the Junimo Woods?

The Junimo Woods are through a warp in the southwest of Cindersap Forest. The warp will not appear until you've completed the community center.

Where is Sprite Spring?

Sprite Spring is through a secret entrance in the southeast of Forest West and cannot be accessed until you've completed the Magic Ink quest.

How do I trigger the new events?

All event requirements are available here.

Why is my map still the default?

Are you using a recolor mod? Recolor mods replace the map. You'll need to see if there's a config file in that mod's folder to turn off the recolor.

How do I start the Aurora Vineyard questline?

You need to have completed the community center, played past spring of year 2, and entered the Junimo Woods at least once. Note that the Junimo Woods, where the maze is, are not the same thing as the Secret Woods, where the hardwood spawns are.

Can farmhands marry SVE NPCs?

Farmhands can marry SVE NPCs, as of version 1.12!

My question wasn't answered and I need help!

Join the Stardew Valley Expanded Discord Server for assistance! We'd love you help out.