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minervamaga edited this page Oct 19, 2019 · 38 revisions


This page answers some common questions about Stardew Valley Expanded (SVE).



How do I install SVE?

See the install guide.

Will SVE be updated for Stardew Valley 1.4?


Does SVE work in multiplayer?


Does SVE work with Longevity?


Does SVE work with the Looking for Love mod?

Not at this moment.

Can you make SVE compatible with mod X?

I plan to make compatibility patches for several mods, and authors are welcome to create their own compatibility patches. See Troubleshooting#incompatible mods for a list of specifically incompatible mods.


Where is Sophia?

She will be added in a future version of SVE. Development of SVE is still on-going!

Where's the bat/mushroom cave on IF2R?

South east!

How do I get to the Lost Woods?

There's a certain stone slab somewhere in Cindersap Forest...

How do I get to Sprite Spring?

Somewhere deep within Forest West...

I have some suggestions!

I'm completely open to suggestions and feedback! I made this mod not just for me, but for the Stardew Valley community. Feel free to post suggestions on the mod page or to PM me.

Something went wrong!

See Troubleshooting for help.

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