This project aims to display the current location of any given IP.
The Project contains a backend and frontend folder. The backend is a node.js instance using Express implementing a rest api. The frontend uses react and bootstrap to render the IP dialog and uses embedded google maps.
linting is done with prettier, eslint and stylelint
Tests are done using jest. Testcoverage for the backend and frontend should be kept to 100%. Coverage reports are not deployed yet.
The frontend and backend are wrapped into a container. The container is deployed to a private ecr instance. The Image is then fetched by an aws ec2 instance and run on a linux machine, this is currently done manually. Certificates are issued using Lets Encript. The webserver used is a lighttpd server.
To run the instance locally
cd frontend
npm ci
npm run dev
cd backend
npm ci
npm run dev
Both instances use hot reloading. The container can also be build and tests locally
The rest api is using apidoc to generate automated docs for the api. The docs is deployed with every new image