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Add 3rd round excel importer
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aapris committed Sep 20, 2024
1 parent 67f5e61 commit 204bf53
Showing 1 changed file with 209 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
# Create management command to import data from Podio excel file to Django
import glob
from pathlib import Path

import openpyxl
from django.core.files import File

from import BaseCommand
from application_evaluator.models import Application, ApplicationRound, ApplicationAttachment

# fields contains list of fields to be imported from excel file to Django
# first value is heading level (0 not shown in description), original title in excel, new title description field
# 0==ignore/>=1==include (value means heading level), original title, new title
fields = [
[4, "Title of the application", "Application Title"],
[4, "Publishable summary of the application. (max. 1000 characters including spaces)", "Summary"],
[0, "Select city", "City"],
[4, "Select the challenge", "Challenge"],
[0, "Organisation", "Organization"],
[0, "Business ID", "Business ID"],
[0, "First name", "First Name"],
[0, "Last name", "Last Name"],
[0, "E-mail address", "Email"],
[0, "Phone number", "Phone"],
[0, "List here organisations and contact persons of any Piloting Partners", "Piloting Partners"],
"Short description of the proposal (incl. target groups, objectives, technologies and methods) "
"and expected impact. (max. 5 000 characters including spaces)",
"Proposal Description",
"Work plan including preparatory actions, piloting plan, scale-up and replicability activities "
"as well as sustainability of the application. (max. 5 000 characters including spaces)",
"Work Plan",
"Resource plan including personnel, budget and possible self-funding. (max. 3 000 characters "
"including spaces)",
"Resource Plan",
"Description of the co-creation methods applied. (max. 3 000 characters including spaces)",
"Co-creation Methods",
"Plan for involving target group members. (max. 3 000 characters including spaces)",
"Target Group Involvement",
"1. Applicants must declare the MIMs their application is compliant with and explain for each declared MIM "
"how their applications are compliant (max. 1000 characters with spaces)",
"MIM Compliance",
"2. Applicants must explain which of the offered tools they will use and how. Or how they would contribute "
"to the toolbox (max. 1000 characters with spaces)",
"Tool Usage",
"3. Applicants must explain how they plan to use the Sandbox and for what purpose (max. 1000 characters "
"with spaces)",
"Sandbox Usage",
[0, "Data privacy", "Data Privacy"],
[0, "GDPR", "GDPR Compliance"],
[0, "Ethics", "Ethical Considerations"],
[0, "I accept storing of personal information", "Accept Storing Personal Information"],
[0, "Data security policy", "Data Security Policy"],
[0, "Application ID", "Application ID"],
[0, "Submit date and time", "Submission Time"],
[0, "Valid", "Valid"],

def get_application_round_from_challenge_name(challenge_name: str) -> ApplicationRound:
Get ApplicationRound from challenge name.
Challenge name is like "Helsinki: How to do foo bar?"
# split challenge name to city and title using ':'
city, name = [x.strip() for x in challenge_name.split(":")]
# Search for ApplicationRounds with name containing title's first 4 words
# Pick 4 first words from title:
words = name.split(" ")
# remove all words shorter than 3 characters
words = [w for w in words if len(w) >= 3][:4]
# create qset for filtering ApplicationRounds where name contains all words
ars = ApplicationRound.objects.filter(name__startswith="CC-3")
for w in words:
ars = ars.filter(name__icontains=w)
if len(ars) != 1:
print(f"ApplicationRound not found for {challenge_name}")
print(f"Words: {words}")
return ars[0]

def create_id_name_descriptions(app: dict) -> [str, str, str]:
"""Create id, name and description from application data."""
app_id = app["Application ID"]
name = app["Application Title"]
dlist = []
for f in fields:
if f[0] > 0:
# Loop all fields and add to dlist lines like
dlist.append("#" * f[0] + f" {f[2]}\n\n{app[f[2]]}")
description = "\n\n".join(dlist)
return app_id, name, description

def read_excel_sheet(filename: str) -> list:
"""Read Excel sheet and return it as a list of dicts."""
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename)
sheet = wb.worksheets[0]
data_list = []

for row in sheet.iter_rows(min_row=1, values_only=True):
if any(value is not None for value in row): # Skip empty rows

column_names = data_list.pop(0)
# create list of dicts
data_list = [dict(zip(column_names, row)) for row in data_list]
# remove items with None values
# NOTE: this doesn't work because some fields are empty strings in excel
# data_list = [{k: v for k, v in d.items() if v is not None} for d in data_list]
return data_list

def import_attachments(app: Application, filename: str):
"""Add attachments to Application object."""
filepath = Path(filename)
# Check if exact filename exists in app.attachments
# If it does, skip
# If it doesn't, create ApplicationAttachment object and add it to app.attachments
for a in app.attachments.all():
if Path( ==
print(f"Attachment {} already exists, skipping")
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
attachment = ApplicationAttachment.objects.create(

def create_application(application_round: ApplicationRound, app: dict) -> [Application, bool]:
"""Create Application object from app dict."""
app_id, name, description = create_id_name_descriptions(app)
application, created = Application.objects.get_or_create(other_id=app_id, application_round=application_round) = name
application.description = description
application.application_round = application_round
return application, created

class Command(BaseCommand):
help = "Import data from Podio excel file to Django"

def add_arguments(self, parser):
parser.add_argument("--filename", type=str, help="Excel file to import")
parser.add_argument("--attachments-dir", type=str, required=False, help="Directory containing attachments")

def handle(self, *args, **options):
applications = read_excel_sheet(options["filename"])
# Replace long column names with short ones. Long column name is fields[][1], short is fields[][2]
applications = [{f[2]: a[f[1]] for f in fields} for a in applications]
new_app_cnt = 0
existing_app_cnt = 0
attachment_cnt = 0
for a in applications:
# if a["Application ID"] != "CC-2HE11-e7aad100-a2c4-98b7-1698756037":
# continue
ar = get_application_round_from_challenge_name(a["Challenge"])
app, created = create_application(ar, a)
if created:
new_app_cnt += 1
print(f"New application: {app}")
existing_app_cnt += 1
print(f"Existing application: {app}")
# Check if there is a subdirectory with same name as app.other_id
# If there is, import all files from that directory as attachments
if options["attachments_dir"]:
dirname = options["attachments_dir"]
for subdir in glob.glob(f"{dirname}/{app.other_id}/*"):
import_attachments(app, subdir)
attachment_cnt += 1
print(f"New applications: {new_app_cnt}")
print(f"Existing applications: {existing_app_cnt}")
print(f"Attachments: {attachment_cnt}")
# self.stdout.write("jee hyvinhän se meni!"))

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