An online platform for data monitoring and access
- New page! Absent History
- Absent History export button is not available yet
- Absent History export button can be access by User
- New pages! Picking and Packing
- Packing page is still in development process
- Picking and Packing user access is set to global user
- Packing page is ready to use
- New Design! Picking and Packing have a new page design layout
- Picking and Packing have a limited user access
- User Access' bug fixes and performance improvements
- Absent History's filter change. Branch is no longer mandatory; default Date range change from months to weeks; and User can export without utilize data filter
- Now, user can be able to export 2 types of report which are sales attendance report and meal transport allowance
- Absent History's branch filter section bug and performance fixes
- Company authentication bug and performance fixes
- Absent History - Absent History's branch filter section bug and performance fixes
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