Code Analysis #194
1 error and 2 warnings
Analyze (csharp)
Error running analysis for csharp: Encountered a fatal error while running "C:\Users\Administrator\actions-runner\_work\_tool\CodeQL\2.17.4\x64\codeql\codeql.exe database run-queries --ram=29757 --threads=20 C:\Users\Administrator\actions-runner\_work\_temp\codeql_databases\csharp --expect-discarded-cache --min-disk-free=1024 -v --intra-layer-parallelism". Exit code was 1 and last log line was: [4/56] Loaded C:\Users\Administrator\actions-runner\_work\_tool\CodeQL\2.17.4\x64\codeql\qlpacks\codeql\csharp-queries\1.0.0\Security Features\CWE-016\ASPNetPagesValidateRequest.qlx. See the logs for more details.
Analyze (csharp)
For projects targeting .NET 8.0 and higher, specifying a RuntimeIdentifier will no longer produce a self contained app by default. To continue building self-contained apps, set the SelfContained property to true or use the --self-contained argument.
Analyze (csharp)
For projects targeting .NET 8.0 and higher, specifying a RuntimeIdentifier will no longer produce a self contained app by default. To continue building self-contained apps, set the SelfContained property to true or use the --self-contained argument.