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@fuel-service-user fuel-service-user released this 15 Nov 13:17
· 159 commits to master since this release


In this release, we:

  • Implemented batch transfer to contracts
  • Optimized the getMessageByNonce provider endpoint
  • Upgraded fuel-core to v0.40.0
  • Optimize graphQL query for Provider.getTransactions
  • Limit pagination number for getTransactionsSummaries to 60
  • Upgraded forc to v0.66.4
  • Removed blockId property from responses when listing transactions
  • Upgraded forc to v0.66.2
  • Deprecate and fix multiple receipts properties
  • Optimized the getCoins provider endpoint
  • Revised our code snippets to use a WYSIWYG format






Migration Notes


#3383 - onDeploy fuels config supports all Sway program types

  • Changed the outputted data from the onDeploy callback method for the fuels.config.ts. Instead of just emitting the deployed contracts (as an array), it will now emit an object with contracts, predicates and scripts.
// Before (fuels.config.ts)
import { createConfig, FuelsConfig, DeployedContract } from 'fuels';

export default createConfig({
  output: 'dir/out',
  onDeploy: (config: FuelsConfig, deployedContracts: DeployedContract[]) => {
    console.log('contracts', deployedContracts);
// After (fuels.config.ts)
import { createConfig, FuelsConfig, DeployedData } from 'fuels';

export default createConfig({
  output: 'dir/out',
  onDeploy: (config: FuelsConfig, deployed: DeployedData[]) => {
    console.log('contracts', deployed.contracts);
    console.log('predicates', deployed.predicates);
    console.log('scripts', deployed.scripts);


#3298 - Remove unnecessary nonce from message gql queries

  • Removed the nonce property from Provider.operations.getMessageByNonce(). This can still be retrieved by Provider.getMessageByNonce().


#3389 - Refactor predicate and script deployment

ContractFactory.deployAsBlobTxForScript has been removed in favor of Predicate.deploy and Script.deploy:

// before
const factory = new ContractFactory(scriptBytecode, scriptAbi, wallet);
const { waitForResult } = await factory.deployAsBlobTxForScript();
const { loaderBytecode, configurableOffsetDiff } = await waitForResult();

// after
const script = new Script(scriptBytecode, scriptAbi, wallet);
const { blobId, waitForResult } = await script.deploy(deployerWallet);
const loaderScript = await waitForResult();

const predicate = new Predicate({ bytecode, abi, provider });
const { blobId, waitForResult } = await predicate.deploy(deployerWallet);
const loaderPredicate = await waitForResult();

#3387 - Mandate abi in Predicate constructor

Instantiating a Predicate now requires providing its abi. If you want to use the Predicate as an Account, please instantiate it via the Account class

// before
const predicate = new Predicate({ provider, bytecode }); // worked even though abi is missing

// after
const predicate = new Predicate({ abi, provider, bytecode }); // abi is now mandatory

// predicate as account
const account = new Account(predicateAddress, provider);

#3336 - Optimize getTransactions query

The response format for Provider.getTransactions remains the same. However, the response format for the query Provider.operations.getTransactions has been modified.

// before
query getTransactions {
  status {
// after
query getTransactions {

#3400 - Limit TX pagination number for getTransactionsSummaries

The pagination number for getTransactionsSummaries is limited to 60 now

// before
const { transactions } = await getTransactionsSummaries({
  filters: {
    owner: account.address.toB256(),
    first: 200,
// after
const { transactions } = await getTransactionsSummaries({
  filters: {
    owner: account.address.toB256(),
    first: 60, // Limit is 60 now. A higher value will result in an error

#3379 - Remove blockId in transaction list responses

The blockId property has been removed from the following GraphQL queries used to list past transactions:

const { transactions } = await getTransactionsSummaries({ ... });

const { transactionsByOwner } = await provider.operations.getTransactionsByOwner({ ... });

If the blockId is required for a given transaction, it needs to be queried separately with getTransactionSummary helper:

import { getTransactionSummary } from 'fuels';

const transaction = await getTransactionSummary({

Note: The blockId is still available in the result for a submitted transaction.

#3301 - Optimize coin gql queries

  • The Provider.operations.getCoins() and Provider.operations.getCoinsToSpend function no longer return the owner. These methods shouldn't be called directly but are used internally to formulate responses from the SDK.

  • Removed the property owner from the Provider.operations.getCoinsToSpend() function. Suggest to use the owner from the input parameters.