*** I'm a junior software programer (The newbie 😅) , really happy and excited about learning new things ***
🔭I'm currently working on **my portfolio📚**
Fast learner⚡: I learn by doing and like sharing experiences with people
🌱 I’m currently learning **React, Django, web Api's...**
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on projects in JavaScript and Python and open to anything that could help me be to better myself
💬 Ask me about **JavaScript - Python**
🔭I'm currently working on **my portfolio📚**
Fast learner⚡: I learn by doing and like sharing experiences with people
🌱 I’m currently learning **React, Django, web Api's...**
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on projects in JavaScript and Python and open to anything that could help me be to better myself
💬 Ask me about **JavaScript - Python**