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seer is Moonstream's second generation blockchain-adjacent tooling for crawling data and performing smart contract interactions.

It builds on what we have learned from our first generation of crawlers and from moonworm.


You can use make to build seer. From the root of this project, run:


If you would like to force a build from scratch:

make rebuild

To see a list of available make targets, please look at the Makefile.

Running seer

Go bindings for Starknet contracts

To generate the Go bindings to a Starknet contract from its ABI, run:

seer starknet generate --abi $ABI_FILE --package $GO_PACKAGE_NAME
  1. $ABI_FILE should be the path to the JSON file containing the Starknet contract ABI.
  2. $GO_PACKAGE_NAME should be the name of the Go package that the generated code will belong to. If specified, the line package $GO_PACKAGE_NAME will be emitted at the top of the generated code. If not specified, no such line is emitted.

You can also pipe the ABI JSON into this command rather than specifying the --abi argument. For example:

jq . $ABI_FILE | seer starknet generate --package $GO_PACKAGE_NAME

Go bindings for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) contracts

To generate the Go bindings to an EVM contract, run:

seer evm generate \
    --abi $ABI_FILE \
    --bytecode $BIN_FILE \
    --cli \
    --package $GO_PACKAGE_NAME \
    --struct $GO_STRUCT_NAME
  1. $ABI_FILE should be the path to a JSON file containing the contract's ABI.
  2. $BIN_FILE should be a path to the file containing the compiled contract bytecode. If the --bytecode is not provided, the bindings are generated with no deployment method.
  3. $GO_PACKAGE_NAME should be the name of the Go package that the generated code will fall under.
  4. $GO_STRUCT_NAME should be the name of the struct that you would like to represent an instance of the contract with the given ABI.

If you want to write the output to a file, you can use the --output argument to do so. Or shell redirections.

Example: OwnableERC721

The code in examples/ownable-erc-721 was generated from the project root directory using:

seer evm generate \
    --abi fixtures/OwnableERC721.json \
    --bytecode fixtures/OwnableERC721.bin \
    --cli \
    --package main \
    --struct OwnableERC721 \
    --output examples/ownable-erc-721/OwnableERC721.go

To run this code, first build it:

go build ./examples/ownable-erc-721

This will create an executable file called ownable-erc-721 (on Windows, you may want to rename it to ownable-erc-721.exe for convenience).

Try running it:

$ ./ownable-erc-721 -h

Interact with the OwnableERC721 contract

  ownable-erc-721 [flags]
  ownable-erc-721 [command]

Commands which deploy contracts
  deploy               Deploy a new OwnableERC721 contract

Commands which view contract state
  balance-of           Call the BalanceOf view method on a OwnableERC721 contract
  get-approved         Call the GetApproved view method on a OwnableERC721 contract
  is-approved-for-all  Call the IsApprovedForAll view method on a OwnableERC721 contract
  name                 Call the Name view method on a OwnableERC721 contract
  owner                Call the Owner view method on a OwnableERC721 contract
  owner-of             Call the OwnerOf view method on a OwnableERC721 contract
  supports-interface   Call the SupportsInterface view method on a OwnableERC721 contract
  symbol               Call the Symbol view method on a OwnableERC721 contract
  token-uri            Call the TokenURI view method on a OwnableERC721 contract

Commands which submit transactions
  approve              Execute the Approve method on a OwnableERC721 contract
  mint                 Execute the Mint method on a OwnableERC721 contract
  renounce-ownership   Execute the RenounceOwnership method on a OwnableERC721 contract
  safe-transfer-from   Execute the SafeTransferFrom method on a OwnableERC721 contract
  safe-transfer-from-0 Execute the SafeTransferFrom0 method on a OwnableERC721 contract
  set-approval-for-all Execute the SetApprovalForAll method on a OwnableERC721 contract
  transfer-from        Execute the TransferFrom method on a OwnableERC721 contract
  transfer-ownership   Execute the TransferOwnership method on a OwnableERC721 contract

Additional Commands:
  completion           Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help                 Help about any command

  -h, --help   help for ownable-erc-721

Use "ownable-erc-721 [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ ./ownable-erc-721 approve -h
Execute the Approve method on a OwnableERC721 contract

  ownable-erc-721 approve [flags]

      --contract string                   Address of the contract to interact with
      --gas-limit uint                    Gas limit for the transaction
      --gas-price string                  Gas price to use for the transaction
  -h, --help                              help for approve
      --keyfile string                    Path to the keystore file to use for the transaction
      --max-fee-per-gas string            Maximum fee per gas to use for the (EIP-1559) transaction
      --max-priority-fee-per-gas string   Maximum priority fee per gas to use for the (EIP-1559) transaction
      --nonce string                      Nonce to use for the transaction
      --password string                   Password to use to unlock the keystore (if not specified, you will be prompted for the password when the command executes)
      --rpc string                        URL of the JSONRPC API to use
      --safe string                       Address of the Safe contract
      --safe-api string                   Safe API for the Safe Transaction Service (optional)
      --safe-operation uint8              Safe operation type: 0 (Call) or 1 (DelegateCall)
      --simulate                          Simulate the transaction without sending it
      --timeout uint                      Timeout (in seconds) for interactions with the JSONRPC API (default 60)
      --to-0 string                       to-0 argument (common.Address)
      --token-id string                   token-id argument
      --value string                      Value to send with the transaction


That part of seer responsible for crawling raw blocks,tx_calls and events from the blockchain.

List of supported blockchains:

  • arbitrum_one
  • arbitrum_sepolia
  • ethereum
  • game7_orbit_arbitrum_sepolia
  • mantle
  • mantle_sepolia
  • polygon
  • xai
  • xai_sepolia


You can use make to build crawler. From the root of this project, run:


Or build with go tools:

go build -o seer .

Or use dev script:

./ --help

Set environment variables:

export MOONSTREAM_DB_V3_INDEXES_URI="driver://user:pass@localhost/dbname"

Generate crawler {chain} interface

note: You need add the chain endpoint it will fetch the data from endpoints.

Blockchain structure:

├── blockchain
│   ├── polygon
│   │   ├── blocks_transactions_polygon.proto
│   │   ├── blocks_transactions_polygon.pb.go
│   │   ├── polygon.go

Regenerate proto interface

  1. Generate code with proto compiler, docs:
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative \
  1. Rename generated file similar to chain package.
  2. Generate interface with seer, if chain is L2, specify flag --side-chain:
./seer blockchain generate -n ethereum

Or use bash script to do all job. But be careful it by default generates interfaces for L1 chains with additional fields, for side chains this script requires modification:


Run crawler

Before running the crawler, you need initialize the database with the following command:

./seer crawler --chain polygon --start-block 53922484 --force

Inspect database

Find first and last blocks indexed in database and verify it's batch at storage:

./seer inspector db --chain polygon --storage-verify