As the current maintainer of this instance of the pointercrate repository, you are fully expected to build your site from scratch. I will provide help as needed but don't expect full files.
As of November 4 2021 this is the official repository for the version of pointercrate utilized by Omega. In comparison to Stadust's Codebase, This Repository contains all source code used for running a normal pointercrate instance. In particular, this repository does contain
- a
file stitching together the code in the different libraries - various assets such as graphics used by pointercrate
- code specific to pointercrate that has no place on custom copies of pointercrate (such as the pointercrate homepage) [sorry stadust D:]
Currently, this repository also contains most static files, a database scheme, and every nook and cranny used by old pointercrate instances.
This has both upsides and downsides. Since you won't have to write those components yourself, it will be very complicated to fix your custom pointercrate copy (especially since we do not actually support such endeavours). However, there are various advantages:
- No code in this repository explicitly references pointercrate. Everything from the logo in the navigation bar to the site metadata in the headers is configurable. This means I wont have to shout at you 7 times or failing to remove references to pointercrate on your website
- Each component is as independent as possible. For instance, you could run a pointercrate copy that does not use the
libraries and it would work just fine.
The following people have helped with development of pointercrate, either through code contributions or other things:
- cos8o: Reverse engineered parts of the Geometry Dash source that allows pointercrate to display accurate object counts and level lengths
- zmx and mgostIH and everyone else over in my discord server
- Nimbus: Development of various discord bots integrating with the pointercrate API
- Aquatias, Deltablu and Moosh: My trusty admins that click checkboxes for me (love you guys)
- rSteel, zMarc and Zipi: My beloved staff
- and of course the developers of all the dependencies pointercrate uses