This is a book review website. Users can register, login, and then search for a book using title, author or ISBN. They will then be taken to a ‘search results’ page. After clicking on any book title, they will be taken to a ‘book page’ where there are further details about the book, including information from goodreads. They will also be able to leave a review on this page. The project also includes an api. When calls to the api are made, using an ISBN number, users will be able to access details about the relevant book.
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This project was for the CS50 Web Programming course, there were a number of requirements for students to complete.
I think I would change the CSS for this app, I was going for a kind of elegant, old school look, but I'm not sure if it's a good look.
I think a chat feature is a good idea, where users can share reviews and comment on them.