My attempt at creating an easy-to-use Python module for interaction with Test and Measurement Equipment.
The devices can be connected by different means ((usb)serial, telnet, USB-to-GPIB-adaptors)
This project is just done for fun and does not claim full coverage of the operating modes/instructions of all supported instruments. Hence, devices in the "supported devices" section support at least the basic commands (Example: frequency, offset, amplitude and waveform of an AWG).
- OR-X 402A Arbitrary Waveform Generator
- HP6632B PSU
- MARCONI INSTRUMENTS signal generator 2019
- HP8954A Transceiver Interface
- HP3457A DMM
- HP34401A DMM
- Wavetek 4032 Stabilock Communication tester
- MARCONI INSTRUMENTS modulation meter 2305
- Xyphro's UsbGpib adaptor via python-usbtmc
- PROLOGIX USB to GPIB adaptor
- Simple Serial (usb serial)
- telnet