Files and Variables
Important: Territory status of all districts (NUTS-3) is August, 2020. Any changes beforehand or afterwards are not included.
Border_Bavaria_internal+others.xlsx: Contains all Bavarian districts, which have at least one foreign and/or domestic border.
- BL: Name of the federal state (Bundesland)
- LK: Name of the district (Kreis)
- ID_LK: Community Identification Number (Kreisschlüssel)
- district_type: Type of district (either Landkreis or Kreisfreie Stadt)
- Source: Wikimedia Bayern
Border_Germany_with_Bavaria.xlsx: Contains all German districts outside of Bavaria, which share at least one border with Bavaria.
- BL: Name of the federal state (Bundesland)
- LK: Name of the district (Kreis)
- ID_LK: Community Identification Number (Kreisschlüssel)
- district_type: Type of district (either Landkreis or Kreisfreie Stadt)
- Source: Wikipedia
Border_Germany_with_others.xlsx: Contains all German districts, which share at least one border with another country.
- BL: Name of the federal state (Bundesland)
- LK: Name of the district (Kreis)
- ID_LK: Community Identification Number (Kreisschlüssel)
- district_type: Type of district (either Landkreis or Kreisfreie Stadt)
- Source: Wikipedia
All_german_districts.xlsx: Contains all German districts as of August, 2020
- ID_LK: Community Identification Number (Kreisschlüssel)
- LK: Name of the district (Kreis)
Example: How to create identifiers based on the data with Stata (Version 16)
The do-file provides a way of creating binary variables indicating, if a specific districts shares at least one foreign border and/or a domestic border with Bavaria. Output file: All_german_bavarian_districts_border_indicators.dta