Note It is cloud based web app for taking notes, powered by MERN stack,
- View, Add, Update, Delete Notes.
- Functionality to add new user using signup view.
- Existing users can login to view there notes.
- Get an inspiring quote every day when user login
- Persistent state management using refresh token (JWT).
- More smooth UI with loading.
- Ability to share notes.
- Edit User Details.
Below are the steps you need to follow to run code locally:
- Fork the code -- backend folder: This folder contain the backend nodejs code. -- frontend folder: This folder contain the frontend react code.
- Create an
file under frontend and backend folder, update the properties using the given.env.example
in code - Do a npm install in both backend and frontend code.
npm install
- Run the server code in backend folder using nodemon.
nodemon server
- Run the frontend code in frontend folder using start script
npm start