Graphics/visualization with Red is a tool for exploring the world of L-systems, inspired by
Most examples are taken from "Lindenmayer Systems, Fractals, and Plants", available at
Simple tiling of the plane with 2 sets of Truchet tiles, each set consisting of 3 tiles.
A software cover of a TokyoFlash watch
A little project demonstrating the Langton's ant (a two-dimensional universal Turing machine)
Inspired by the work of Sebastian Lague
A simple variation of simple Truchet tiles, where the diagonal lines are replaced by "leaves"
Pattern generator. It creates a grid of tiles (the 3 regular and another 6 semiregular tesselations of the plane) and renders each tile with a mix of 5 styles:
- Tile: the outline of the tile
- Dual: lines from the centers of the edges to the center of the tile
- Diamond: lines connecting the centers of the edges
- Truchet: arcs connecting the edges two by two
- Diagonals: lines connecting the vertices of the tile and the center of the tile
Inspired by by the front panels of Connection Machine and Thinking Machnes Corporation supercomputers.