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Vikraman feat/step (#77)
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This change completes Vikraman's sketch of the functionality.  It:

- Removes the error calls (replacing them with logging)
- Simplifies the single stepping implementation
- Redesigns the symbolic execution state management and rendering

The issue with the state management was that symbolic execution state was
duplicated between the core and the brick UI in a way that allowed them to get
out of sync.  This mean that changes to the core state (e.g., as users advance
the suspended state via commands) were not reflected in the UI (as the UI state
was stale).  To fix this, all updates to the symbolic execution state now go
through a new distinguished message (the handler for which applies the update).
This allows the frontends to apply additional processing to observe all of these
updates and regenerate the UI state whenever there is a relevant update.  This
also simplifies the symbolic execution widget, which now only returns its own
updated state (and handles any state updates via message passing).

Some other changes included with this change:
- There is an option for adding calling context information for generated log entries
- Extracts the core symbolic execution state handlers and puts them back into
the core where they belong
- Make symbolic execution session state updates safer (remove mergeSessionState)

Closes #74 (integrated with these changes)

Revises the handling of the breakpoint override

Instead of having the debug execution feature identify breakpoints, implement a
body for the breakpoint override that starts the debugger.  This makes handling
of breakpoints and debug assertions the same.

Co-authored-by: Vikraman Choudhury <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
Tristan Ravitch and vikraman authored Dec 30, 2020
1 parent f3cbb14 commit 81992dd
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Showing 25 changed files with 667 additions and 282 deletions.
37 changes: 31 additions & 6 deletions crux-dbg/src/Crux/Debug/LLVM.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ import Data.Parameterized.Some ( Some(..) )
import Data.Proxy ( Proxy(..) )
import Data.String ( fromString )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as TE
import GHC.TypeLits ( type (<=) )
import qualified System.Exit as SE
import qualified System.IO as IO
import qualified Text.LLVM as TL
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ breakpointOverrides :: ( LCB.IsSymInterface sym
-> [CLI.OverrideTemplate (SC.LLVMPersonality sym) sym arch rtp l a]
breakpointOverrides cruxOpts sconf =
[ CLI.basic_llvm_override $ [LCLQ.llvmOvr| void @crucible_breakpoint(i8*, ...) |]
(do_breakpoint sconf)

, CLI.basic_llvm_override $ [LCLQ.llvmOvr| void @crucible_debug_assert( i8, i8*, i32 ) |]
(do_debug_assert (parseSolverOffline cruxOpts) sconf)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,22 +158,44 @@ simulateLLVMWithDebug cruxOpts dbgOpts bcFilePath = C.SimulatorCallback $ \sym _
case SC.llvmAnalysisResultFromModule ng nonce hdlAlloc llvmModule (Some translation) of
SC.SomeResult ares -> return ares
let debuggerConfig = SB.DebuggerConfig (Proxy @SC.LLVM) (Proxy @(SC.CrucibleExt SC.LLVM)) llvmCon
let debugger = SB.debuggerFeature debuggerConfig (WEB.exprCounter sym)
let initSt = LCS.InitialState simCtx globSt LCS.defaultAbortHandler LCT.UnitRepr $
LCS.runOverrideSim LCT.UnitRepr $ do
registerFunctions cruxOpts debuggerConfig llvmModule translation
checkEntryPoint (fromMaybe "main" (CDC.entryPoint dbgOpts)) (CLT.cfgMap translation)
-- FIXME: We can use this callback to collect live explanations in terms of solver state
let handleExplanation = \_ _ -> return mempty
return (C.RunnableStateWithExtensions initSt [debugger], handleExplanation)
let executionFeatures = []
return (C.RunnableStateWithExtensions initSt executionFeatures, handleExplanation)
| otherwise -> CMC.throwM (UnsupportedX86BitWidth rep)

do_breakpoint :: (wptr ~ CLE.ArchWidth arch)
=> LCS.GlobalVar CLM.Mem
do_breakpoint :: ( wptr ~ CLE.ArchWidth arch
, ext ~ CLI.LLVM arch
, sym ~ WEB.ExprBuilder t st fs
, SC.SymbolicArchitecture arch' t
, LCB.IsSymInterface sym
, 1 <= wptr
, 16 <= wptr
=> SB.DebuggerConfig t ext arch'
-> LCS.GlobalVar CLM.Mem
-> sym
-> Ctx.Assignment (LCS.RegEntry sym) (Ctx.EmptyCtx Ctx.::> CLT.LLVMPointerType wptr Ctx.::> LCT.VectorType LCT.AnyType)
-> LCS.OverrideSim (SC.LLVMPersonality sym) sym (CLI.LLVM arch) r args ret ()
do_breakpoint _gv _sym _ = return ()
do_breakpoint sconf memVar sym (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> breakpointNamePtr Ctx.:> breakpointValues) = do
let ?ptrWidth = CLM.ptrWidth (LCS.regValue breakpointNamePtr)
let ?recordLLVMAnnotation = \_ _ -> return ()
let ng = WEB.exprCounter sym
simState <- CMS.get
bpName <- case LCSG.lookupGlobal memVar (simState ^. LCSET.stateGlobals) of
Nothing -> return "<Unnamed Breakpoint>"
Just memImpl -> do
chars <- liftIO $ CLM.loadString sym memImpl (LCS.regValue breakpointNamePtr) Nothing
return (TE.decodeUtf8With TE.lenientDecode (BS.pack chars))
let bp = SC.Breakpoint { SC.breakpointType = SC.UnconditionalBreakpoint
, SC.breakpointName = Just bpName
, SC.breakpointArguments = LCS.regValue breakpointValues
void $ liftIO $ SB.surveyorState sconf ng simState (SC.SimBreakpoint bp)

-- TODO: export in crux
lookupString :: (LCB.IsSymInterface sym, CLM.HasLLVMAnn sym, CLO.ArchOk arch)
Expand Down
25 changes: 15 additions & 10 deletions surveyor-brick/src/Surveyor/Brick.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import Control.Lens ( (&), (^.), (^?), (.~) )
import qualified Control.Lens as L
import Control.Monad ( join )
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe, mapMaybe, isJust )
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Classes as PC
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,8 +100,8 @@ drawDiagnostics diags = B.viewport DiagnosticView B.Vertical body
case comp of
C.Unspecified -> ""
C.Loader -> "Loader" @? "log-component"
C.EventHandler nm -> PPT.renderStrict (PP.layoutCompact ("Event[" PP.<+> PP.pretty nm PP.<+> "]")) @? "log-component"
C.CommandCallback nm -> PPT.renderStrict (PP.layoutCompact ("Command[" PP.<+> PP.pretty nm PP.<+> "]")) @? "log-component"
C.EventHandler nm -> PPT.renderStrict (PP.layoutCompact ("Event[" <> PP.pretty nm <> "]")) @? "log-component"
C.CommandCallback nm -> PPT.renderStrict (PP.layoutCompact ("Command[" <> PP.pretty nm <> "]")) @? "log-component"
C.EchoAreaUpdate -> ""

renderTime tm = PPT.renderStrict (PP.layoutCompact (PP.pretty tm)) @? "log-time"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,10 +205,14 @@ drawUIMode binFileName archState s uim =
| otherwise -> drawAppShell s (B.txt (T.pack ("Missing function view for IR: " ++ show repr)))
C.SemanticsViewer ->
drawAppShell s (ISV.renderInstructionSemanticsViewer binfo (archState ^. C.contextG) ISV.instructionSemanticsViewer)
C.SymbolicExecutionManager -> do
let valNames = s ^. C.lValueNames
let sem = archState ^. BH.symbolicExecutionManagerG
drawAppShell s (SEM.renderSymbolicExecutionManager sem valNames)
| Just sessionID <- archState ^? C.contextL . C.currentContext . C.symExecSessionIDL
, Just sessions <- archState ^? C.symExStateL
, Just (Some symExState) <- C.lookupSessionState sessions sessionID
, Just manager <- archState ^. BH.symbolicExecutionStateG . sessionID -> do
let valNames = s ^. C.lValueNames
drawAppShell s (SEM.renderSymbolicExecutionManager manager symExState valNames)
| otherwise -> drawAppShell s (B.txt (T.pack "No symbolic execution state"))
binfo = C.sAnalysisResult archState

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,8 +351,8 @@ stateFromContext ng mkAnalysisResult chan simState simData = do
, SBE.sBlockViewers = MapF.fromList blockViewers
, SBE.sFunctionViewer = MapF.fromList (funcViewers ares)
, SBE.sFunctionSelector = FS.functionSelector (const (return ())) focusedListAttr []
, SBE.sSymbolicExecutionManager =
SEM.symbolicExecutionManager (Some symbolicExecutionState)
, SBE.sSymbolicExecutionState =
Map.singleton sesID (SEM.symbolicExecutionManager (Some symbolicExecutionState))
tc0 <- C.newTranslationCache
ctxStk <- contextStackFromState ng tc0 ares sesID simState pfcfg
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -408,8 +413,8 @@ stateFromContext ng mkAnalysisResult chan simState simData = do
, SBE.sBlockViewers = MapF.fromList blockViewers
, SBE.sFunctionViewer = MapF.fromList (funcViewers ares)
, SBE.sFunctionSelector = FS.functionSelector (const (return ())) focusedListAttr []
, SBE.sSymbolicExecutionManager =
SEM.symbolicExecutionManager (Some symbolicExecutionState)
, SBE.sSymbolicExecutionState =
Map.singleton sesID (SEM.symbolicExecutionManager (Some symbolicExecutionState))
let archState = C.ArchState { C.sAnalysisResult = ares
-- FIXME: Pick a context based on the stack in the simulator
Expand Down
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions surveyor-brick/src/Surveyor/Brick/Extension.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,14 +25,15 @@ module Surveyor.Brick.Extension (
) where

import Control.Lens ( (^.), (&), (%~) )
import qualified Control.Lens as L
import qualified Control.NF as NF
import Data.Kind ( Type )
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Nonce as PN
import qualified Data.Text as T
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ data BrickUIState arch s =
, sBlockSelector :: !(BS.BlockSelector arch s)
, sBlockViewers :: !(MapF.MapF (C.IRRepr arch) (BV.BlockViewer arch s))
, sFunctionViewer :: !(MapF.MapF (C.IRRepr arch) (FV.FunctionViewer arch s))
, sSymbolicExecutionManager :: !(SEM.SymbolicExecutionManager (C.Events s (C.S BrickUIExtension BrickUIState)) arch s)
, sSymbolicExecutionState :: !(Map.Map (C.SessionID s) (SEM.SymbolicExecutionManager (C.Events s (C.S BrickUIExtension BrickUIState)) arch s))
deriving (Generic)

Expand All @@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ L.makeLensesFor
, ("sBlockSelector", "blockSelectorL")
, ("sBlockViewers", "blockViewersL")
, ("sFunctionViewer", "functionViewersL")
, ("sSymbolicExecutionManager", "symbolicExecutionManagerL") ]
, ("sSymbolicExecutionState", "symbolicExecutionStateL") ]

type instance C.EventExtension (C.S BrickUIExtension BrickUIState) = BrickUIEvent
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,5 +136,5 @@ blockViewerG rep = (\as -> MapF.lookup rep (as ^. C.lUIState . blockViewers
functionViewerG :: C.IRRepr arch ir -> L.Getter (C.ArchState BrickUIState arch s) (Maybe (FV.FunctionViewer arch s ir))
functionViewerG rep = (\as -> MapF.lookup rep (as ^. C.lUIState . functionViewersL))

symbolicExecutionManagerG :: L.Getter (C.ArchState BrickUIState arch s) (SEM.SymbolicExecutionManager (C.Events s (C.S BrickUIExtension BrickUIState)) arch s)
symbolicExecutionManagerG = (^. C.lUIState . symbolicExecutionManagerL)
symbolicExecutionStateG :: L.Getter (C.ArchState BrickUIState arch s) (Map.Map (C.SessionID s) (SEM.SymbolicExecutionManager (C.Events s (C.S BrickUIExtension BrickUIState)) arch s))
symbolicExecutionStateG = (^. C.lUIState . symbolicExecutionStateL)
29 changes: 20 additions & 9 deletions surveyor-brick/src/Surveyor/Brick/Handlers.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,17 +23,19 @@ module Surveyor.Brick.Handlers (
) where

import qualified Brick as B
import Control.Lens ( (&), (^.), (.~), (%~), (^?), _Just )
import qualified Control.Lens as L
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( liftIO )
import qualified Control.NF as NF
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import qualified Data.Parameterized.List as PL
import Data.Parameterized.Some ( viewSome )
import Data.Parameterized.Some ( Some(..) )
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V

import Prelude
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,12 +113,13 @@ handleVtyEvent s0@(C.State s) evt
let s' = s & C.lArchState . _Just . C.contextL .~ cstk'
B.continue $! C.State s'
C.SomeUIMode C.SymbolicExecutionManager
| Just archState <- s ^. C.lArchState -> do
let manager0 = archState ^. C.lUIState . SBE.symbolicExecutionManagerL
manager1 <- SEM.handleSymbolicExecutionManagerEvent (B.VtyEvent evt) manager0
let st1 = SEM.symbolicExecutionManagerState manager1
let s' = s & C.lArchState . _Just . C.lUIState . SBE.symbolicExecutionManagerL .~ manager1
& C.lArchState . _Just . C.symExStateL %~ C.mergeSessionState (viewSome C.singleSessionState st1)
| Just archState <- s ^. C.lArchState
, Just sessionID <- archState ^? C.contextL . C.currentContext . C.symExecSessionIDL
, Just sessions <- archState ^? C.symExStateL
, Just (Some symExState) <- C.lookupSessionState sessions sessionID
, Just manager0 <- archState ^. C.lUIState . SBE.symbolicExecutionStateL . sessionID -> do
manager1 <- SEM.handleSymbolicExecutionManagerEvent s (B.VtyEvent evt) manager0 symExState
let s' = s & C.lArchState . _Just . C.lUIState . SBE.symbolicExecutionStateL %~ Map.insert sessionID manager1
B.continue $! C.State s'
C.SomeUIMode _m -> B.continue s0

Expand All @@ -128,7 +131,12 @@ handleCustomEvent :: (C.Architecture arch s)
handleCustomEvent s0 evt =
case evt of
C.LoadEvent le -> handleLoadEvent s0 le
C.SymbolicExecutionEvent se -> handleSymbolicExecutionEvent s0 se
C.SymbolicExecutionEvent se -> do
-- Delegate to the core handler, then add a hook to do any special
-- handling required to keep the UI in sync (using the brick UI specific
-- handler)
C.State s1 <- C.handleSymbolicExecutionEvent s0 se
handleSymbolicExecutionEvent s1 se
C.LoggingEvent le -> do
s1 <- C.handleLoggingEvent s0 le
B.continue s1
Expand All @@ -138,6 +146,9 @@ handleCustomEvent s0 evt =
C.ContextEvent ce -> do
s1 <- C.handleContextEvent s0 ce
B.continue s1
C.DebuggingEvent de -> do
s1 <- C.handleDebuggingEvent s0 de
B.continue s1
C.ExtensionEvent ee -> handleExtensionEvent s0 ee

-- We discard async state updates if the type of the state has changed in
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions surveyor-brick/src/Surveyor/Brick/Handlers/Load.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import qualified Brick as B
import Control.Lens ( (&), (^.), (.~), (%~), _Just )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( liftIO )
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Classes as PC
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import Data.Parameterized.Some ( Some(..) )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ stateFromAnalysisResult s0 ares newDiags state uiMode = do
defFunc : _ -> do
let pushContext (newContext, sessState) oldState =
oldState & C.lArchState . _Just . C.contextL %~ C.pushContext newContext
& C.lArchState . _Just . C.symExStateL %~ C.mergeSessionState sessState
& C.lArchState . _Just . C.symExStateL %~ C.updateSessionState sessState
C.asynchronously (C.archNonce ares) (C.sEmitEvent s0) pushContext $ do
case C.functionBlocks ares defFunc of
b0 : _ -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,8 +179,8 @@ stateFromAnalysisResult s0 ares newDiags state uiMode = do
, SBE.sBlockViewers = MapF.fromList blockViewers
, SBE.sFunctionViewer = MapF.fromList funcViewers
, SBE.sFunctionSelector = FS.functionSelector (const (return ())) focusedListAttr []
, SBE.sSymbolicExecutionManager =
SEM.symbolicExecutionManager (Some (C.Configuring ses))
, SBE.sSymbolicExecutionState =
Map.singleton (ses ^. C.sessionID) (SEM.symbolicExecutionManager (Some (C.Configuring ses)))
return C.ArchState { C.sAnalysisResult = ares
, C.sUIState = uiState
Expand Down

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