To briefly introduce myself: Hi there! I'm Chris, a German guy who started programming as a hobby years ago.
Currently I'm still working mostly and preferably with JavaScript, the language I learned mostly by trial and error XD
At school I learn Java as you can find it in the book - but I often deepen my knowledge in smaller experimental projects.
- Yup, that’s me
- Contents
- A Project: JAND
- Projects on this profile
- What GitHub suggested I tell you about myself ;)
- Discord
About JAND
Together with a good friend of mine I founded JAND - a community and a project with many facets.
JAND is the community on which our Minecraft server runs, through which we publish joint projects like GAL.002 and under which name you can find our servers.
Together we try to deepen our knowledge, present projects to others from time to time and enrich our community with our projects.
I am sure you will find many more repositories and pins on this profile in the future.
Currently I have a few smaller projects on my personal account that are open source, as the bigger projects are still private ^^.
Descriptions of these projects can be found in the respective repositories.
If you have any questions about translation, please feel free to contact me 👍.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on enhancing my existing Discord bots.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Java.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on the music feature of discord bots. I still have some struggles with this but I deeply believe we can learn from each other ;).
- 💬 Ask me about what you like, I’ll answer as soon as possible and let you know, when something is too personal.
- 📫 How to reach me: galaxy.chris on Discord.
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him.
Together we can mostly be found on this Discord.
This is actually a community server of mine, but it is also the main place for JAND and the Minecraft server ;)