- discord.py
- aiohttp
- Google's generativeai library
Clone the repository to your local machine.
Install the required Python libraries:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The bot will start listening to messages in your Discord server. It responds to direct mentions or direct messages.
Edit the main.py
file must include:
: Your Discord bot token.GOOGLE_AI_KEY
: Your Google AI API key. Google API Key can be acquired from https://makersuite.google.com/MAX_HISTORY
: The maximum number of messages to retain in history for each user. 0 will disable history
then run main.py
- Mention or DM the bot to activate: History only works on pure text input
- Send an Image: The bot will respond with an AI-generated interpretation or related content.
- Type 'RESET' or /reset: Clears the message history for the user.
- ** /set_chatbot** to toggle chatbot channel for atoresponding without mention the bot !