npm is repository of packages (dependencies) which is required to make production ready app.
dev dependency = it is required for development phase.
normal dependency = it is required for development and production phase.
^ carate sign - it automatically update the major version
package-lock.json keeps the exact version of packages.
package.json keeps the
npx means execution of paticular package ex- npx parcel "package name"
- it creates local server to run
- it automatically refresh the page using HMR (hot module replacement)
- it has file watching algorithm
- it bundle and compress all the files
- see the start name in package.json scripts object
- jsx is html like syntax
- jsx is javaScript syntax which is easier to create html elements
- camelcase is used to give attributes name
js Engine understand EcmaScript
- Babal = its transcompiler which convert code that browser understands.
- a function that returns some piece of jsx.
- when the web is driven by ui it is called config driven ui
- named export
- default export
react virtual is a representation of actual dom
- whenever state variable changes component Rerendered .
- first the component is rendered and then useEffect is called
firstly constructor is called ==>> then render is called ==>> then ComponentDidMount is called ==> then render is called with updated data ==> then componentDidUpdate is called ==> at last ComponentWillUnmount is called
ComponentDidMount is used to make an api call beacuse it is called after the function is rendered properly
in this we split our code in many JS file so that browser take less time to displaying things in ui. we use laxy() to do this